What Is Community Service?
Unpaid volunteer work.
Name a spring sport.
Boys volleyball, softball, baseball, girls soccer, track & field, outdoor track, boys & girls lacrosse, boys & girls tennis, and golf.
What types art extracurriculars are there?
Band, Choir, painting, photography, painting, etc.
What makes a club academic?
What is a community service club at school?
NHS, Sororities/Fraternities, Key Club, Social Activism Club, Blue Gold
What is the most inclusive sport at mount?
Any unified sport!
What makes choir and band an extracurricular?
The concerts are AFTER school.
What are internship?
A student that works unpaid hours in order to gain work experience.
What counts as community service outside of school?
Daily house chores, helping the elderly, donating your belongings/money, and picking up trash.
Which athletics team has won the most Blue Hen conferences?
Boys Swim!
How many choir classes are at mount.
What is key club?
(Hint: not about keys)
Community Service, character building, and leadership development.