What goes up but doesn't move?
3 x 9
The variable kept continous
If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you don't have me, what am I?
A secret
What is next in this sequence of numbers? 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, ______
What is in front of you but not seen?
150 - 1
The variable measured
There are 3 doors in front of you as you escape a labyrinth. Door 1 has a raging inferno, Door 2 has a deadly assassin and Door 3 has a lion that hasn't eaten in 3 months. Which one is safest to choose?
Door 3
A rebus is a pictogram that represents a word, phrase, or saying. For example, "Ci ii" represents "See eye to eye". What is represented by o_er_t_o_ ?
Painless Operation
What comes but never arrives?
Square root of 7?
What is the meaning of life?
The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth via metabolism, reproduction and adaptation to environments via changes originating internally
If I hold a bee, what do I have in my eye?
4 People arrive at a river with a narrow bridge that holds only 2 at a time. It's night and they have only 1 torch that they must use to cross. Person A can do it in 1 min, B in 2 min, C in 5 min and D in 8 min. When 2 people cross together, they must move at the slower person's pace. Can they all cross in 15 min or less?
Yes they cross in 15 min
What lives when eating but dies when drinking?
Solve x3 y3 z3 K?
What makes us human?
Bipedalism, tool making, and language
Turn me on my side and I'm everything#. Cut me in half and I'll be nothing##. What am I?
The number 8
# Infinity
## Infinity in half = zero
You're in a dark room with a candle, wood stove and gas lamp. You only have 1 match, so what do you light first?
The match
I turn polar bears white, make guys have to pee, make you cry, make girls comb their hair, make celebrities look stupid and normal people look famous, makes champagne bubble and brown pancakes. If you squeeze me, I'll pop but looking at me will make you pop. Can you guess the riddle?
7 %
You walk down a road and come to a fork. One road leads to Certain Death, and the other leads to eternal joy. You don't know which is which. In the middle, you see 2 brothers who actually DO know. One brother tells the truth and the other will lie. You can only ask them 1 question. How do you find the right path?
Ask each brother, "If you were your brother, which road would you say leads to eternal happiness?"
An old man dies, leaving 2 sons behind. In will, he orders them to race with their horses, and the slower one would get the inheritance. The 2 sons race, but since they're both holding their horses back, they go and ask a wise man what to do. After that, they race again at full speed this time. What did the wise man say?
To switch horses