In Judges chapter 7 and 8, how many men fought against the 135,000 Midianites?

What is 300


What bible book came first, Amos or Joel?

What is Joel


On his arc, how many of each animal did Moses bring?

None. Because Moses did not have an arc, Noah did.


How many governing body members are there currently?

What is 9

K. E. Cook, Jr.;S. F. Herd; G. W. Jackson; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; D. M. Sanderson; D. H. Splane; Jeffrey Winder; Gage Fleegle


what year was Jesus born? In the early fall of 33 C.E., 25 B.C.E or 2 B.C.E?

What is 2 B.C.E.


What was the name of the army that destroyed Jerusalem?

What is Rome


What books of the Bible are considered the 4 gospels?

What is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John


Instead of going to Nineveh, I decided to bail. Thrown overboard while out to sea, I was swallowed up by a whale. Who am I?

Who is Jonah


What are the names of the 4 horseman depicted in Revelation that are depicted in the last days?

What are War, Famine, Pestilence and Death.


Was Mary Magdalene related to Jesus?

What is no.  Mary Magdalene was one of several women who traveled with Jesus and his disciples and gave them material support. She was an eyewitness of Jesus’ execution, and she was among the first to see him after he was resurrected.


After Joshua and his army would march around this city once a day for six days and On the seventh day they would march around seven times, then walls would fall. What was the name of the city?

What is Jericho

Who wrote the book of Lamentations?

Who is Jeremiah


It had so many locks that don’t need a key. It was far too many for you to count. It was never to be shortened, for a vow had been said. It was a symbol of strength that flowed from the head. But in a moment of weakness, its secret was out, it lays all in pieces when she gave the shout. What is it?

What is Samsons long hair


What is the name of the angel who goes to war with Satan at the start of the last days? BE SPECIFIC

Who is Michael


What was the name of the man who ordered Jesus to be executed?

Who is Pontius Pilot


Israel battled the Philistines often in the Bible. In 1 Samuel 4 the Philistines overcame Israel and killed about 4,000 men. Israel went to seek out this item from Shiloh where it was located because they were convinced that the presence of it would protect them in battle. They trusted in it more than they trusted in Jehovah. What was the Item?

What is the ark of the covenant


What Bible book has the abbreviation NA?

What is Nahum


I was known for my diverse skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In my years as a ruler, I united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land, and paved the way for my son, Solomon, to build the Temple. Who am I?

Who is David


In 1919, what was the name of the first Magazine that is now called AWAKE? HINT: THE ____ AGE

What is the Golden Age


How many siblings did Jesus have?

 Jesus had at least six siblings. These included his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas as well as at least two sisters.


In many Bible versions, the word war is mentioned approximately how many times: 200,225,250 or 275?

What is 225


How many books are in the Bible? 64,65,65,67?

What is 66


It kept him steady and others away. It kept them safe and showed the way. Once thrown down upon the ground, it came alive with a hissing sound. It hit the rock as it was told. And that was when the water flowed What is it?

What is Moses staff


How many heads does the wild beast have in the book of revelation and what do the heads represent?

what is 7 and they represent the worldwide political system


In the Year 1912, who made the announcement to the bethel family that Jesus was enthroned as king?

It never happened in 1912. In October of 1914 Brother Rutherford made the announcement.