Golf & Track/Field

When serving in badminton the racquet must make contact with the birdie where?

Below the hip


What piece of equipment will keep your brain safest when riding a bike, skateboarding or roller skating?

A Helmet


What is the main objective of the team on defense?

to keep the other team from scoring


Name two racquet motions from sports that we did in class that are most like the motion used in an underhand volleyball serve.

Pickleball serve

Badmitton serve


What is a Bogey?

One stroke over Par


In the rules of ultimate frisbee, what is it called when your team drops the frisbee?

Turn over


Kendra is training for a triathlon. She is planning to swim 20 laps in her pool, run 2 miles and then ride 5 miles on her bike after school today. No adults are home when she arrives. What should she do in order to complete her workout safely?

She should ride her bike, jog and then swim if her parents have arrived home.


What is the main objective of the team on offense?

to score


These two paddle sports have similar rules about scoring.

Table Tennis and Pickleball


Track events in which athletes combine speed, strength and agility in an attempt to leap as far as possible from a takeoff point

Long Jump and Triple Jump


When you team has possession of the ball.



In a game of badminton Jose is goofing around and not playing safely. He is continuously leaving his area and swinging his racquet toward other students racquets. What should the other students who are playing with Jose do?

Report this behavior to the coach


In a game of capture the ball, your team has some players who are really good at pulling flags and other players who are really fast runners. What would be a good strategy for your team?

Have the fast runners go for the ball and have the good flag pullers stay on your side to play defese


These two ultimate games have the same rules but different throws.

Ultimate Frisbee and ultimate football


What is a Tee Shot?

The first stroke made on each hole in golf.


Kvon needs four golf strokes to get the ball in a par 3 hole. What is this called?



At Shot Put practice there are four throwers. Directionally what would be the safest way for the throwers to throw?

Away from each other or on a on a line facing the same direction.


In a game of ultimate football, John's team is having difficulty getting the football down field with their long passes. What is the best strategy John's team could use to get the football downfield?

Short passes


Badminton and pickleball are similar in most aspects of the game. In what specific rule that we discussed, do they both differ from tennis?

The serve in tennis is overhand.


In the sport of Track and Field -Focuses  on the athlete's strength and agility rather than speed or endurance.

Shot Put


In Pickleball, Gary serves the ball to the other team and it lands in their kitchen. What happens next?

It is the other team's serve


Paul and Jorge are goofing around at PE. They are not being good listeners and have no idea what the coach has asked them to do. Coach speaks to them about their behavior and about being better listeners. What would be the best choice for these two boys to do in the future?

To listen to coach, follow directions and perhaps stay away from each other if they cannot control themselves


In a game of pickleball, Markus likes to stay close to the net by the kitchen. What would be an offensive strategy that would help his opponent win?

To lob the ball to Markus' back court.


The throwing motion of horseshoes and cornhole is most similar to what activity that we did in class?



When Teeing off in golf how can you adjust to correct your swing?

Try using a much smaller back swing and swing down in a more controlled and slower motion.