This is the god of fungi.
Who is Zuggtmoy?
This was the first D&D video game.
What is Pool of Radiance?
This company is the original publisher of D&D.
Who is TSR?
These are the only two 5e damage types not listed in the core rulebooks.
What are blueberry and custard damage?
This is the highest spell level before the fall of the Netherese Empire.
What is 12th level?
This is the orc equivalent of a human's tiefling.
What is a Tanarukk?
This wizard has canonically been to our earth.
Who is Elminster?
This is god of beholders.
This was the inspiration for many classic D&D monsters such as the bulette.
What are cheap Chinese toys?
This is the only 12th level spell.
What is Karsus' Avatar?
This is the elven equivalent of the human's tiefling.
What is a fey'ri?
This is a class which was either removed from 5e or turned into a subclass.
What is the beguiler, warblade, truenamer, swordmage, or favored soul?
These are the three parts of any living being according to an early iteration of 4e.
What are the body, soul, and animus?
This is the rule which Doric broke in Honor Among Thieves.
What is the fact that druids can only wildshape into beasts? (She wildshaped into a monstrosity)
This is what the only 12th level spell does.
What is temporarily stealing the powers of a god?
What is "To Hit Armor Class Zero"?
These people founded the kingdoms of Unter and Mulhorand.
Who are humans from our earth? Specifically ancient Egyptians and Sumerians.
These are the Manshoon Wars.
What is a war fought by multiple clones of a single man, all believing they are the "true" clone?
This is one of the continents of Toril other than Faerun.
What is Kara-Tur, Maztica, or Zakhara?
What is Karsus' Folly?
This person predicted the Second Sundering almost 20,000 years before it happened.
Who is Elliandreth of Orishaar?
This is what caused the transition between 4e and 5e.
What is the Second Sundering?
These are the ten incompatible D&D editions.
What are Original, Basic, BX, BECMI, Cyclopedia, Advanced, Advanced 2e, 3/3.5e, 4e/essentials, 5/5.5e?
This is the significance of Eleasis 4, 709 DR.
What is the Night of the Fourteen Magisters?
This is what Karsus became after the fall of Netheril.
What is a blood-red stone.