Post-op Complications
Key Steps during Surgery

The iliac artery becomes femoral artery after crossing this structure

Inguinal Ligament


Early graft infections usually occur within 2 months of implantation and are commonly associated with this organism

Staph aureus


Carotid Clamping Order


1. Internal Carotid

2. Common Carotid

3. External Carotid


A patient who underwent infrainguinal bypass undergoes routine postoperative surveillance with this imaging modality

Duplex Ultrasound


This type of postoperative complication after a vascular bypass can appear as a Pepsi or ying yang sign on ultrasound.



During carotid endarterectomy, the common carotid artery bifurcates into internal and external carotid arteries. The external carotid artery is identified based on the first branch it gives of

Superior Thyroid Artery


A 77-year-old woman presents to the ED with hypotension and a large mass over her left clavicle. She underwent a left axillo-femoral bypass for rest pain 2 weeks ago. She was feeling well until today, when she reached above her head to retrieve a book from a shelf. Given the hypotension and large mass, she most likely has this feared complication

Dehiscence of Axillary Anastomosis


Components of Carotid Sheath

1. Common Carotid Artery

2. Internal Jugular Vein

3. Vagus Nerve

4. Ansa Cervicalis

5. Sympathetic plexus


A Greek and Latin term, which translates to Painful Blue Inflammation and describes a complication of DVT

Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens


A one time screening duplex US of infrarenal abdominal aorta is recommended in this population

Males older than 65 years of age with history of smoking and/or a family history of abdominal aortic aneurysm


The femoral artery becomes popliteal artery after crossing this canal

Hunter's (Adductor's) Canal


In the Szilagyi classification of postoperative wound infection - infection involving subcutaneous tissue is this grade

Grade II


This vein is divided as it crosses over the carotid bifurcation

Facial Vein


Your 6 ft 7in patient presents to clinic to review CT findings of an enlarged aortic arch; his father had aortic surgery in the past. You suspect Marfan Syndrome, which is associated with a defect in this structural protein.



In a patient who has undergone an infrainguinal bypass, these two types of studies are typically obtained at q3month intervals for the first year and then annually thereafter for postoperative surveillance

Ankle-brachial index (ABI) and Duplex Ultrasonography


You are performing a femoral to posterior tibial artery bypass. During meticulous dissection, you see this ligament laying medial to the femoral nerve, artery, and vein composing the medial wall of the femoral sheath

Lacunar Ligament


Post-carotid endarterectomy, the resident forgot to reconcile medications on MAR. The next day patient has started experiencing severe ipsilateral headaches followed by seizures

Hyperperfusion Syndrome


Management of bradycardia during manipulation of carotid bulb

Local injection of lidocaine


Patient presents to clinic 12 months after carotid endartrectomy. Restenosis on imaging is attributable to

Intimal hyperplasia


Normal Doppler Arterial Waveform

Triphasic Flow

1. Sharp systolic upstroke

2. Reversal of flow in early diastole from vessel compliance

3. Low-amplitude forward flow throughout diastole


Excessive traction during carotid endarterectomy resulted in damage to a structure that resulted in ipsilateral lip droop after the patient recovered in PACU

Marginal mandibular nerve


4 weeks after carotid endarterectomy with patch angioplastly, the patch is found to be infected. The patient is taken to the Operating room for a redo operation with this patch

Saphenous Vein


Your 6 ft 7in patient presents to clinic to review CT findings of an enlarged aortic arch; his father had aortic surgery in the past. You suspect Marfan Syndrome, which is associated with a defect in this structural protein



The External carotid artery has these many branches



This system is used to guide clinical management in patients with aortoiliac and femoropopliteal disease, classifying lesion anatomy based on severity ranging from A to D as well as outcome of endovascular therapy

Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Artery Disease (TASC)