Latissimus dorsi
Superficial pectoral descending part
Name the parts of the Ruminant/Equid Rhomboideus (How many?)
Two parts
1) Rhomboideus cervicis
2) Rhomboideus thoracis
Explain Adduction vs Abduction
Abducting is moving away from the body
Deep Pectoral
Superficial Pectoral Transverse Part
Name the attachments of cleidocephalicus for the ruminant
Pars mastoidea
Pars occipitalis
Clavicular Intersection
Demonstrate supination vs pronation
Turn palm up for supination (holding soup)
Turn palm down for pronation
Name the parts of the Carnivore Rhomboideus (How many?)
3 parts
1) Rhomboideus capitis
2) Rhomboideus cervicis
3) Rhomboideus thoracis
Name the attachments of cleidocephalicus for the equid
Pars mastoidea
Clavicular Intersection
Flexion makes the angle of the joint smaller
Extension increases the angle of the joint
Trapezius Cervical Part
Serratus ventralis
Name the attachments of cleidocephalicus for the carnivore
Pars mastoidea
Pars cervicalis
Clavicular Intersection
What muscle makes the skin twitch
Cutaneus trunci
Trapezius thoracic part
Green - Rhomboideus Capitis
Purple - Rhomboideus Cervicis
Yellow - Rhomboideus Thoracis
Serratus ventralis
What is the only thing muscles can do