what does stunned mean
So shocked that one is unable to respond
How much money did Parvana get in bone digging? How did she feel about it?
The amount of money Parvana got in 3 weeks, she felt surprised that the bones had sold more than what she got in 3 weeks.
who got the idea to go bone digging?
The other tea boys
Who finally convinced Parvana to cut her hair?
Mrs. Weera
Who is Parvana's ALIVE brother
What does uncluttered mean
She made the skull as her mascot because the skull is the first skull they found, his name is Mr. Skull.
What happened to Parvanas dad? How does it affect Mother?
He was arrested, mother fell into a deep sleep due to depression
Whose clothes did Parvana wear?
Her dead brother's clothes
What is mother and Mrs Weera gonna do?
Start an underground magazine
what does sulk mean?
a gloomy and bad tempered look
Why was Parvana scared to go into the hallway? Who warned her about what? How scared was she?
She was warned about landmines, Shauzia had warned her. She was quite scared but the other options were worse.
who cut Parvana's hair
Her mother
Where is Parvana’s cousin from?
He is from Jalalabad.
what does Mrs. Weera plan on starting?
A school
what is Dari
One of the two main languages in Afghanistan
What did Parvana joke about to Shauzia after going to the bathroom
She said she kicked landmines out of the way
Why can Parvana go outside to get food when she is a boy but if Parvana is a girl why cant she get food?
Who is Parvanas brother? (Exact name)
What was Mrs. Weera's job
A hockey teacher
What does relented mean
Abandon a harsh intention
When they sell the bones, do they keep digging?
Why didn't Nooria wanna cut her hair
She didn’t believe that people would think that she is a boy.
Why did Parvana wash her face at the tap after bone digging?
She thought it would get rid of the memories.
How did Hossain (the oldest child) died
by stepping on a landmine