What is the clear structure at the front of the eye called?
Define Glaucoma
Death/Damage to the Optic Nerve
What is a common symptom of Cataracts?
Blurry vision, glares/halos, double vision, etc.
What is the retina?
Tissue on the back the eye that relays electrical impulses to the image processing center of the brain
What are 2 treatments for Dry Eyes?
Artificial Tears, Punctal plugs, Medicated Eye Drops, ILux, Warm compresses, etc.
What controls the amount of light entering the eye?
What is normal IOP range?
Name three types of Cataracts
Nuclear Sclerotic, Cortical, and Posterior Sub-capsular
Will accept: Congenital and traumatic
What is distinctive about Wet Macular Degeneration?
Blood vessel growth
What is a pterygium?
Hint: Also known as surfer's eye
Conjunctiva/skin growing on the cornea?
What structure do we refer to as the "blind spot"?
What is Acute Angle Closure?
When the angle gets closed off leading to rapid increase in IOP
The lens is like a peanut M&M, what are the layers of the lens?
Nucleus, Cortex, Capsule
What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 1: pancreas doesn't produce insulin and you are born with it
Type 2: you are insulin resistant, diagnosed later in life
What are the 3 layers of tear film?
Aqueous, mucosal, and oil layer
What is the function of the Ciliary Body?
Produce aqueous humor
Name all the possible treatment options
Medicated eye drops, laser treatment, surgery
Why do we dilate for Cataract Evaluations, Surgery, and YAG laser?
To get a better view of the lens
What do Anti-VEGF treatment medications do?
Prevent blood vessel growth
What is Keratoconus?
Disorder where the cornea is shaped like a cone
What is the function of the trabecular meshwork?
The structure of the eye responsible for fluid drainage
Name 3 tests that screen/monitor for glaucoma
OCT Nerve, Disc Photos, Visual Field, Applanation
What is PCO?
Posterior Capsule Opacity
Retinal Detachment is a medical emergency. Which is more emergent RD with the macula on or RD with the macula off?
RD with macula on
What is PKP or DSAEK?
Types of corneal transplants