This number of bullets is required under chief complaint for a follow up patient
What is 4?
What is Optical Coherence Tomography?
The layer of tissue made up of blood vessels that nourish the retina – located between the sclera and the retina.
What is the choroid?
Leading cause of blindness in Kentucky
What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Abbreviation for drop
Double Jeopardy: Abbreviation for ointment
What is Gtt?
This is the two letter abbreviation used when recording a patient's vision without correction.
Double Jeopardy: What does that stand for?
What is sc?
What is Best Corrected Visual Acuity?
This condition is due to a loss of flexibility of the lens, making it difficulty to focus on objects without the assistance of bifocals.
What is presbyopia?
The Blind Spot
Double Jeopardy: What is another name for a blind spot?
What is the optic nerve?
Color top of Mydriatics & Cycloplegics
What is red?
The term we use for glasses or contacts that correct 1 eye for distance and the other for near
What is Monovision?
Double Jeopardy: OU
What is Ocular Dexter, and Ocular Sinister?
Photoreceptors found in high concentration within the macula compared to the rest of the retina.
Double Jeopardy: How many cones does a human eye have?
What are cones?
The leading cause of blindness in the world.
What is a cataract?
What is twice a day?
It is an abbreviation for "bis in die" which in Latin means twice a day.
Spasmodic, rhythmic dilating and contracting pupillary movements during pupil testing, usually in a young patient.
What is hippus?
What is Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens?
This structure is made up of a bulbar portion and a tarsal portion.
What is the conjunctiva?
Light rays anterior to the retina
What is Myopia?
Pink top drop
What is steroidal drops?
This four letter abbreviation is when the pupil does not constrict on consensual light response, but does constrict with direct light stimulation.
Double Jeopardy: What does the abbreviation stand for? What is the other name for it?
What is an RAPD?
What is Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium?
The iris, ciliary body, and choroid.
What are the components of the uvea?
Ishihara test checks for this
What is color blindness
Yellow/Dark blue tops
What are Beta Blockers/Beta Blocker Combo drops?