The desired result when the client is no longer experiencing activation of dysfunctionally stored memories being triggered
What is the Future Template?
EMDR is most extensively researched in populations diagnosed with this.
What is PTSD?
Other forms of bilateral stimulation besides eye-movement.
What are taps (or tones)?
The creator of EMDR was taking a stroll through 'this' when she discovered eye movement lowered her anxiety.
What is a park?
What is closure?
Facilitates processing of dysfunctionally stored material more rapidly and does not require disclosure of details of painful or traumatic experiences.
What are two strengths in EMDR over TFCB?
This is the main function of Phases 3 through 6.
What is desensitization and consolidation of dysfunctionally stored memory with bilateral stimulation?
Dual awareness of the past and the present
What is DAS?
The therapist is more of a 'this' than an active agent in providing EMDR therapy.
What is a guide?
You need this many sessions to treat single-trauma PTSD with EMDR.
What is 3 -8 sessions?
Go With That/Notice That.
What does the therapist say after the client gives them an update after a set of bilateral stimulation?
To develop skills to shift states, increase affect regulation and stimulate relaxation response.
What is the purpose of Resource development and installation?
A study of adverse childhood experiences in 17000 patients at Kaiser Permanente.
What is the ACES Study?
Changing direction, speed or modality of bilateral stimulation.
What are things that can be done if a client is stuck/looping?
There are less randomized, control group studies of the effectiveness of EMDR with this population.
What are children?
Past, Present and Future
What is the three prong approach in EMDR therapy?
Preparation -Resource development and education.
What is phase 2?
The Body Keeps The Score
What is the title of Bethal Van de Kolk's book?
Phase 8 - What is the first thing done at the beginning of every session once phases 3-6 have been started?
One study found that there is a _____ in the vividness/emotionality of some memories after EMDR sessions.
What is a "decrease"?
Trigger situation, Image, Negative Cognition, SUDs Emotions, and Sensations
What are headings in the TICES Log?