Coping Skills
Available Tools/Spaces
Program Expectations

Name 3 positive coping skills.

Listening to music, reading, taking a walk, talking with someone you trust, etc. 


True or False: Crying is a normal reaction to strong feelings.



True or False: You are able to go for a staff approved walk if you need space to calm down.

True. When approved by staff (time, how far, etc.) you are able to take a walk. 


How many times per day on a Tuesday should you complete your house chore? 

Once, after school. Chores and a tidy room should be completed before receiving a wifi code. 


What is it called to take distance from something to calm your body and thoughts?

Time and space


True or False: You can feel more than one emotion at a time.



This space is where we can take space to calm down, play with Koda, or hang out in.

The backyard is an available space to have conversations, spend time, calm down, etc. as long as it is an appropriate time of day. 


True or False: You are able to enter another youth's room if you are friends and need space to talk.

False. There are multiple places available to have private conversations. It is a licensing rule that you should not enter a room you are not assigned to.


Inhaling, belly goes out, holding for a few seconds, exhaling, belly goes in

Diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathes can help bring us back into our thinking brain. 


True or False: Emotions are bad.

False, no emotion is 'bad' or 'good', it is how we react when feeling that emotion that is healthy or unhealthy, helpful or harmful.


What does Ms. Sarah call the space inside the shelter available to use to take space, use coping skills, etc. in?

The Calm Down Space


True or False: You can file a grievance/complaint for any reason. For example, you may want to file a grievance because you think that the rules are not being applied fairly to everyone. 

True! You can request a copy of the grievance form and we are required to provide one to you. This form goes directly to the Program Director who will speak with and write out the results within 2 work days. 


What is the most common coping skill of kids in the shelter and why? 

Listening to music, it can be relaxing and take our mind off of the situation leading to big emotions. 


Common cues we get from our body when we are angry.

Shaking, red face, high energy, temperature rises. 


How can you listen to music if you don't have a phone? 

MP3 players, staff computer speakers, any more? 


Not being able to attend work, attend outings, play videos games, or receive wifi codes are consequences of what? 

Refusing school, having disciplinary issues at school, or excessive tardies. 


How can taking breaks throughout the day help you? 

Helps to manage stress, emotions, etc. When we deal with them in the moment, or regularly in a short period of time, they don't build and volcano over. 


True or False: Ignoring your emotions makes them go away.

False, they are still there, just hiding under the surface. An example of this is when we get mad at a 'little' thing, there is probably something under the surface and the 'little' thing tips the scale. 


How many days a year is a counselor available to talk with you if you are in crisis or need support.

365 days a year (that's every day!)


Individual 30 minutes or more per week and group are expectations of what part of the program?

These are expectations of counseling.