Age Ezer first Drank
15 or 16
Ezer's Favorite Color (Hint 2 colors and 1 color combo)
What is Blue, Yellow or Red and Black
Ezer's Favorite Starter
What is Piplup
Ezer's Favorite Basketball Player
Who is Kevin Durant
First Valorant Character Ezer Mained
What is Omen
In terms of Interest how many do I have
What is 5
Ezer's Birthday
When is Oct 24 2003
Ezer's Favorite Eeveelution
Amount Basketball Jerseys Ezer Own
Rank Ezer Got Originally
What is Iron 1
What is Naruto
Amount of Siblings Ezer Has
1 Brother
What is Ezers Favorite Element?
What is Electric
If Ezer were to play in the NBA which team would he want to be on
What is the LA Lakers
How many characters does Ezer know how to play
If Ezer wasn't in Kin what major would he like to be
What is Culinary School
Ezer's First Real Job
What is Host at Lazy Dogs Cerritos
In terms of Shiny Legendary's what is my favorite
Who is Shiny Rayquazza
Kevin Durant has been on 5 Nba Teams
Name one of em
What is Seattle Sonics, OKC, Golden State, Brooklyn Nets, Phoenix Suns
Who is Ezers Favorite Streamer
Who is Masayoshi
What was the song Ezer First learned how to play on uke
What is Im Yours By Jason Mraz
Ezer's Full Name
Who is Ezer Kean Villavicencio Dizon
Amount of Shiny's Ezer Owns on Pokemon GO
How many years has Ezer been playing basketball
12 years
Ezer's Peak Rank
What is Gold 1