DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The king who decreed that the house of God be built.
King Cyrus (Ezra 1:1)
Whoever there is among you of all His people, may His God be with him; and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in ____, and let him ____ the house of Jehovah the God of Israel—He is God—who is in Jerusalem.
Judah; build (Ezra 1:3)
What else were the children of Israel doing as they were building?
Holding a weapon in their hands (fighting their enemies) (Neh. 4:17-18)
Nehemiah's job before he returned to Jerusalem.
Cupbearer (Neh. 1:11)
The number of chapters in Nehemiah.
The king whose decree stopped the rebuilding temporarily.
King Artaxerxes (Ezra 4:23-24)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: For Ezra had set his ____ to seek the law of Jehovah and to do it and to ____ His statues and ordinances in Israel
heart; teach (Ezra 7:10)
What did Nehemiah do before asking the king for permission to take leave for the rebuilding?
Nehemiah prayed (Neh. 2:4)
Which empire were the children of Israel under during their captivity in Ezra and Nehemiah?
(Medo-)Persian (Ezra 1:1)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The longest chapter in Ezra.
Chapter 2
Who lived in the temple illegally in the book of Nehemiah?
Tobiah (Neh. 13:7-8)
And when I saw the situation, I rose up and said to the nobles and the rulers and the rest of the people, Do not be ____ of them; remember the ___ and awesome Lord, and ___ for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.
afraid; great; fight (Neh. 4:14)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What were the Israelites unfaithful in that they had to deal with at the end of the book of Ezra?
They married foreign wives (Ezra 9:1-2; 10:3)
What the Israelites rebuilt in the book of Nehemiah.
The wall of Jerusalem (Neh. 2:17)
How many men were fed at Nehemiah's table?
150 men (Neh 5:17)
The person who heard about the rebuilding, was greatly enraged, and instigated to frustrate the Israelites.
Sanballat (Neh. 4:1)
Then the heads of the fathers’ houses of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites rose up, even everyone whose _____ God had ____ __ to go up to_____ the house of Jehovah, which is in ______.
spirit; stirred up; re/build; Jerusalem (Ezra 1:5)
What was the last sentence Nehemiah spoke?
"Remember me, O my God, for good." (Neh. 13:31)
What two persons oversaw the rebuilding of the house of God?
Zerubbabel and Jeshua (Ezra 3:8)
How many years did Nehemiah not eat the food appointed for the governor?
12 years (Neh. 5:14)
The two prophets that prohesied to the Jews to encourage the rebuilding work.
Haggai & Zechariah (Ezra 5:1)
And I told them about the ____ of my God, which was good upon me, and also the king's words, which he had spoken to me. And they said, Let us ___ __ and _____; and they strengthened their hands for the ____ work.
hand; rise; up; build; good (Neh. 2:18)
What did Ezra proclaim before the children of Israel left Babylon to return to Jerusalem from captivity?
A fast (Ezra 8:21)
Where was the wood sourced from to rebuild the temple?
Lebanon (Ezra 3:7)
How many Israelites returned to Jerusalem?
42,360 (Ezra 2:64; Neh. 7:66)