The idea of lesson 20
The North shoreline
What is Jagged and perfect for harbors
The climate in the South
What is dry and swampy
Europe would buy cotton which had easy transportation
Why cotton was a good cash crop
The most important speaker for African American rights
Who is Fredrick Douglass
The conditions of jailed people
What is poor and unfair
The conditions of factories in the North
What is poor, dirty, and had 11 hours of work
What is plantations and farms
The years that slaves had to work for
What is their whole lif
The main speaker for women rights
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The reform were America got more schooling
What is the "Common School Movement"
The biggest type of Transportation system in the North
What is railroad systems connecting every city
The favorable transportation system that almost everyone used in the South
What is natural waterways
The Clothing they got that could barely last a year
What is cheap cloth mad especially for the enslaved people
The person with the idea of better schooling for kids
Who is Horace Mann
People who stand for removing slavery
What is abolitionists
The unfairness of African Americans in the North
What is discrimination
The "considered property" In the South
What is African Americans that faced a lot of discrimination
The most commonly used tool of punishment
What is a beating until they were obedient enough
the person that noticed the unfairness of prisons in America
Who is Dorothea Dix
The convention where the spark of ideas of women's right began
What is the "Seneca falls Convention" Where Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott met
The most common immigrant
What is Ireland
The machine that impacted the South in a positive way
What is the cotton gin
The way enslaved got to meet up and plan to escape through the word of God
What is the invisible church
The Leader that encouraged Christians to be filled with the spirit of Gad through the spirit of reform
Who is Charles G. Finney