This or That
Correct the mistake

What are the main constituents of a clause?

the subject and the predicate


Define the structural type of the Subject: My friend Linda is getting married soon.

'My friend Linda' - a phrasal subject


They’d better (consulted, had consulted, consult) a specialist.

They’d better consult a specialist.


He managed to escape the collision by a hair’s length.

He managed to escape the collision by a hair’s breadth.


Она всегда смотрит на него по-матерински.

She always looks at him in a motherly way.


Which form of the predicate is used when subjects are expressed by nouns ending in –ics (such as statistics, politics)?

When they denote academic disciplines, they are used with a singular verb, in other meanings - with a plural verb.


Comment on the type of Genitive Case: A friend of Tim’s has just called.

the double genitive


(It, There) comes a time to make a decision.

There comes a time to make a decision.


That nasty friend of Samantha’s is in the prison now.

That nasty friend of Samantha’s is in prison now.


Она настоящая Мэрилин Монро. Только у нее золотистые волосы.

She is a real Marilyn Monroe. Only she’s got golden hair.


What is the origin of the articles?

'the' developed from a demonstrative pronoun, 'a' developed from the cardinal numeral 'one'


Define the type of it: It’s hard to watch films in the original.

formal, introductory


But for his quick reaction, they (had crashed, wouldn’t crash, would have crashed).

But for his quick reaction, they would have crashed.


How long did you stay at Sammy’s? – It was a two-weeks’ vacation.

How long did you stay at Sammy’s? – It was two weeks' / a two-week vacation.


А что если он что-то заподозрит? – Боже упаси!

And what if he should suspect anything? – God forbid!


What oblique moods are there in English?

Subjunctive I, Subjunctive II, the Conditional Mood, the Suppositional Mood


Define the structural type of the sentence: Can’t hear you!

simple, two-member, elliptical


It was so (a complicated, complicated an) explanation that no one understood it.

It was so complicated an explanation that no one understood it.


The speaker’s statistics were wrong. The present people were disappointed.

The speaker’s statistics were wrong. The people present were disappointed.


Это именно Вы всех путаете! Как они могли пригласить Вас выступать с речью на такой важной конференции?

It is you who are confusing everyone! How could they invite you to make / give a speech at such an important conference?


What is the peculiar feature of a suggestive question?

Suggestive questions keep the word order of statements, but serve as questions owing to the rising tone.

Comment on the type of the verb and its complementation: They built a new house for us.

built - ditransitive verb; a new house - direct object, for us - indirect beneficiary object


We’ll be late because of you. You are moving (by Shank's mare, at a snail’s pace)!

We’ll be late because of you. You are moving at a snail’s pace!


Who bought this pair of grey old football woolen socks?

Who bought this pair of old grey woolen football socks?


Вы читали сегодняшнюю газету? Новости просто замечательные! – Ах, если бы у меня было время почитать в свое удовольствие!

Have you read today’s newspaper? The news is just wonderful! – If only I had time to read to my heart’s content!