What year was Peak founded?
What is 2007?
What is the term for a stunt where one cheerleader is lifted above the group and held in a single extended position by the bases?
What is liberty?
Who won the most middle school state championships?
What is Rutland Middle School?
What does CVCC stand for?
What is Central Vermont Cheerleading Competition?
How old was Baylee when Peak opened?
What is 4?
How many state titles does Rutland have?
What is 20?
This type of stunt involves a cheerleader being thrown into the air and performing a full rotation before being caught
What is a full twist basket toss?
Who won the Large All-Girl division at worlds in 2024?
What is Cheer Athletics Panthers?
What does VCCA stand for?
What is Vermont Cheerleading Coaches Association?
What was the first phone Cara had?
What is a bag phone?
How many state titles does Mill River have?
What is 14?
What is the name of the tumbling skill where a cheerleader executes a flip backwards, landing on their feet without using their hands?
What is a back tuck?
Who has the most titles in Vermont in D2?
What is Poultney?
What month is New Englands in?
What is March?
What was the name of the first Peak team Emma was on?
What is Glitz?
What year did Rutland win their first state championship?
What is 1991?
This skill involves a jump where one left is straight and the other is bent.
What is a hurdler?
Who has the most titles in Vermont Cheer?
What is Essex?
How many line judges are there?
What is 8?
Where did Baylee and Kayla first meet?
What is swim lessons?
Before 1995, how many athletes were allowed on the mat?
What is 10?
What tumbling skills is described in the tryout in the movie Bring It On
What is front handspring step out, round off back handspring step out, round off back handspring full twisting layout?
What place did North Eastern get at NCA College nationals in 2024?
What is 3rd place?
Where is NCA high school nationals held?
What is Dallas, Texas?
What NH team did Alyssa beat at states her freshman year?
What is Pinkerton?