AED Defibrillators are recommended to be checked this often.
What is every month
What is an Automated External Defibrillator
H2O, a tasteless substance needed for life is generally recognized as this color
What is Clear?
If you are in an emergency situation it is recommended to call 911 at this time.
What is now
This -CPR- can be performed with just you hands
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
A repeated pattern is generally recognized as this in music.
What is Rhythm?
When preforming CPR you should wait this long before giving up.
What is as long as possible.
This medical group the ARC saves many lives every year
What is the American Red Cross
This one of your five senses that is responsible for feeling
At this age you are at general highest risk for cardiac arrest.
What is 65?
When it comes to life or death do not wait for these people - EMS- to arrive before taking action.
Emergency medical services
The main organ of your circulatory system
What is the heart
This is how long does it typically will take paramedics to arrive on scene?
What is 7 minutes?
This government organization does not recommend eating highly salty foods or smoking cigarettes because it could lead to higher risks of stroke.
One who suffers from an injury or a disease, a sick man
what is a patient