Volcanoes & Earthquakes
Typhoons & Landslides
Anything Geography

The point at the ground level directly above the focus is called the ____________.



For a typhoon to form, the temperature of the ocean needs to be at least ______ for a few weeks.

26 or 27°C


Which of the following countries is the most sparsely populated

Chile (26 people per sq. km.)

Guyana (4 people per sq. km.)

Monaco (19,361 people per sq. km.)

Vaitcan City (924 people per sq. km.)

Guyana (4 people per sq. km.)


Describe the difference between internal and international migration.

Internal migration is when a person migrates within the same country while international migration is when a person migrates to a different country.


This is the name for the outermost layer of the Earth, made up of the continents and oceans.



Describe 2 differences between shield and composite volcanoes.

Shield: usually at constructive plate boundaries, low elevation, wide base, gentle slopes, shorter time between eruptions, gentle eruptions, runny lava, basic lava, etc.

Composite: usually at destructive plate boundaries, high elevation, narrow base, steep slopes, longer time between eruptions, viscous lava, acidic lava, etc.


Describe 3 causes of landslides (at least 1 physical/natural cause and at least 1 human cause)

Natural: The wind can push and pull at trees, making slope material less stable; Heavy rainfall adds weight and lubrication to slopes; Earthquakes can cause slope material to shake and fall downslope.

Human: Removing trees allows rain to wash soil and rocks more easily downslope; Building roads on slopes cuts into the slope and makes it steeper; Building on slopes adds weight to them, increasing stress on the slope.


What is the natural change in Japan if the birth rate is 7 births per 1000 people per year and the death rate is 12 deaths per 1000 people per year?

-5 per 1000 people per year


Describe two types of internal migration.

Rural-to-urban migration: movement of people from the countryside to the city.

Counter-urbanization: movement of people from the city to the countryside

Suburbanization: movement of people from the city to the outskirts of the city.


This is the name for the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect.

Global warming


Explain how an earthquake forms near plate boundaries (3 steps).

1) Plates move and cause a lot of friction.

2) Plates can be stuck for a long time, building pressure.

3) When they become unstuck, this releases energy as seismic waves


Describe 3 landslide management strategies used by the GEO in Hong Kong.

Engineering works can increase the stability of man-made slopes; Careful land use planning of slopes to reduce the risk of landslides; Man-made slopes are regularly checked and maintained by the government; Education and raising public awareness about slope safety through exhibitions and TV advertisements; Setting up warning systems to remind people to stay away from dangerous slopes; Provide emergency relief such as rescue services; Slope rehabilitation to repair collapsed slopes.


Suggest 3 reasons why a country's birth rate is declining.

Anti-natalist policies, expensive to have children, high focus on careers, free contraception and family planning, etc.


Describe the living situation in favelas/slums/informal settlements. [Give 3 points]

Overcrowded, lacks utility and government services, houses made from scraps, lack of land use planning, can have gang violence, usually develops into cities, usually located in undesirable areas such as hillsides or near the river, etc.


Which river in China is the longest river in Asia?

Yangtze River


Suggest 4 ways to protect people from volcanic eruptions.

Exclusion zones, setting up evacuation routes and shelters, training emergency services, educating/informing the public, monitoring systems, designing steep and smooth roofs, spraying water onto lava flows, etc.


Name 2 typhoon hazards and 2 typhoon measures (preventive/remedial)

Hazards: storm surge, storm tide, heavy rainfall, inland flooding, high winds, rip currents, tornadoes, etc.

Typhoon measures: monitoring and forecasting, emergency relief, setting up emergency response plans, education, cleaning up affected areas, housing design (raised houses/shutters), saline-resistant crops, planting mangrove forests, storm shelters, etc.


What do the following features of a population pyramid represent:

1) Tall/more height

2) Wide top

3) Narrow base/bottom

1) Tall/more height - higher life expectancy

2) Wide top - lower death rate

3) Narrow base/bottom - lower birth rate


Suggest 2 push factors and 2 pull factors in the Mexico to USA migration. 

Push factors: Living conditions are poor, unemployment rates are high, poverty, lack of access to basic daily needs such as food, high crime rate, 

Pull factors: Better economiy, better education, higher life expectancy at birth, better healthcasre, higher wages


What is the name of the world's largest desert that is not located in Africa?



Explain 3 short-term impacts and 2 long-term impacts in the 2010 Eruption of Mt. Merapi.

Short-term impacts: pyroclastic flow caused deaths, people had to be evacuated, overcrowding and poor sanitation in evacuation shelters, breathing difficulties caused by contaminated air, homes were destroyed, flights were cancelled, etc.

Long-term impacts: farmers lost their livelihoods, vegetable prices increased, roads were closed, tourism developed, many households were moved to safer areas, volcano monitoring systems have been updated, etc.


5 facts about Mangkhut (e.g. year, countries, hazards, and/or impacts)

Year: September 2018

Countries: Philippines and Hong Kong

Hazards: Strong winds, torrential rain, flooding, storm surge, etc.

Impacts: In HK - injuries, fallen trees, smashed windows, interrupted power supply, evacuation, cars submerged, vessels stranded/sunk/seriously damaged, agriculture affected, transport was paralyzed. In the Philippines - similar with HK but with at least 127 fatalities.


5 facts about a country's population policy (e.g. France/China: pro-/anti-natalist?, reasons for the policy, how the policy was implemented, and impacts of the policy)

France: pro-natalist; reasons - low birth rates / worried about an ageing population and underpopulation; implementation - people with children paid less tax and public transport, get priority for government housing, get free childcare; impacts - France now has the highest birth rates in Europe but mostly because of migrants.

China: anti-natalist; reasons - reduce rapid population growth which led to famine; implementation - financial penalties and birth control devices; impacts - prevented over 400M births, economic improvements, higher status of women, gender imbalance, 4-2-1 problem


Describe 3 arguments for and 2 arguments against undocumented workers/illegal migrants in the USA.

Arguments for undocumented workers: there is a labor shortage in the US, undocumented workers do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, they pay taxes (but don’t enjoy government services), and if they go, it will drive the economy down, etc.

Arguments against undocumented workers: they drive the wages down, it is costly when providing social services to them (e.g. education), workers are commonly subject to exploitation (wage theft), etc.


Which country has the most total islands?
