What is the Canadian Shield?
original Earth crust
What is considered to be the worst nuclear accident in history AND where was it?
Chernobyl in Ukraine
Name the giant devolutionary force where many of Canada's biggest identifying features came from.
What is the Canadian ecumene?
southern part of Canada where everyone lives
On which island do most Kiwis live AND what are there a lot of on the other island?
North, sheep
Name the natural feature that separates Europe from Asia.
Name the highway that was constructed by purgees in labor camps.
the Road of Bones
Explain the 'whites only' immigration policy in Australia.
mostly aimed at Asian immigrants, European language tests, ended bc of Asian industrialization
Name TWO planned capitals and their corresponding country.
Ottawa, Canada & Canberra, Australia
Name the indigenous peoples of New Zealand and Australia AND identify which is more integrated into their country's culture.
Maori & Aborigines
Name Russia's dark, nutritious soil AND Russia's reason for not using it.
chernozem and permafrost
Name Russia's devolutionary force that almost became independent after the fall of the USSR.
mixed (Maori-European) kids being kidnapped and adopted by white people
PISA exams, has the best western education system
New Zealand's tourism industry is rapidly growing because of what two things?
Lord of the Rings & extreme/adventure tourism
Name the largest lake in the world by total volume.
Lake Baykal/Baikal
Who are the Russian oligarchs AND how did they become so rich and powerful?
Bought up everything after fall of USSR bc only people with money bc black market.
Name the industry that became very prominent in Puerto Rico AND explain the current situation in Puerto Rico.
pharmaceuticals, economic death spiral bc of reasons
Statistically speaking, US outperforms Canada in what THREE things?
GDP, taxes, military
Name and explain the major cultural dance in New Zealand.
Haka and uh huh
Name at least 3 reasons for why Russia benefits from climate change.
- oil & natural gas
- longer growing season
- trade routes
- maritime territory (fish & oil)
Explain the whole dealio with Nagorno-Karabakh.
good enough
Name a major precursor to the current war in the Ukraine and explain.
Crimea and yeah
Is Australia or New Zealand more conservative? Why?
Australia, natural resources