Who is Jonathan?
The Main character in the older brother. Jonathan needs to survive the earthquake.
What was the natural disaster that the children had to deal with?
An earthquake
Where does the story take place?
Magpie island
Who is the most energetic and sporty in the family?
True or false Jonathan and Abby are left alone on the island because their parents went to town to get more camping gear
Falls they went to town because Mrs. Palmer broke her ankle
Who is Abby?
abby is Jonathan‘s younger sister, who is partially paralyzed.
Where are Jonathan and Abby when the earthquake happens?
They are camping
What is the weather like before the earthquake?
Sunny and calm
How old is Abby
True or false Abby was able to run away from the earthquake
False Abi is partially paralyzed
Who is Moose?
The family’s golden retriever.
What happens to the Bridge after the earthquake?
It broke into pieces
What happens to all the trees during the earthquake?
They fall down
How many kids are there is the family
Moose helps Jonathan Abby a lot during the
True moose helped Jonathan and Abby a lot during the book
Who are the parents?
Jonathan and Abby‘s parents they leave to go to town leaving Jonathan to care for Abby.
How does Jonathan help Abby during the earthquake?
He helps her to stay calm and keeps her safe
Why is the island dangerous after the earthquake?
The lakes started to flood and Abby can’t swim
What bread is Moose
Golden retriever
True or false the earthquake destroy the bridge
What is the grandmother’s name?
Grandma Whitney
How does moose help the kids survive?
Moose barks when there’s danger
What was the name of the town that was on fire?
Who is grandma Whitney to the family
The Grandma
Jonathan told his parents that he was ready to take care of Abby when his parents are gone and was very excited to do it
False Jonathan is very nervous to take care of his sister because it was a lot of responsibility.