Actor's line reading mistake (4 letters).
2nd letter is L.
What is flub?
In a popular myth, this Pokemon could be found under the truck beside the SS. Anne.
What is Mew?
Rough, approach, albatross.
My review of this movie states: "Literally me and my Volkswagen Jetta."An oxidizing agent's counterpart in an electrochemical reaction.
What is Drive?
This franchise has an affinity for naming a specific character after a type of tree in each iteration.
What is Pokemon?
Bucks, Heat, Jazz, Nets.
What are NBA teams?
This Pokemon was the first ever designed.
What is Rhydon?
Batter, dismissal, bowling.
What is cricket?
Maybe as a joke, perhaps genuinely, I gave this film 5 stars claiming: "dunkers help I am in witness protection."
What is Tall Girl?
The only species of coniferous to lose its needles seasonally.
What is a larch (or tamarack)?
Clue 1: Part of an irrigation system (5 letters).
Clue 2: The stuff in a printer cartridge (5 letters).
Shared 2nd letter (O).
What are hoses and toner?
Pseudo-legendaries are defined by this statistical characteristic.
What is a 600 base stat total?
Dribble, mark, knock-on.
What is Australian football?
In my most recent written review (from August 2024), I said that the main character's office "looks like a children's hospital."
What is Her?
General Sherman, the largest known tree, is this species.
What is a giant sequoia?
Amigo, King, Tenor, Stooges.
What are members of a trio?
N's full name.
What is Natural Harmonia Gropius?
Chukker, hook, knock-in.
What is polo?
Despite not being a quote from the movie in question, I said: "I'm in lesbians with you" as my review for this film.
What is Portrait of a Lady on Fire?
This tree is unique as one is able to distinguish it simply by the way that it is.
What is an aspen?
A word that contains all of the following letters at least once (a letter may be used more than once).
What is empower?
The dragon-fairy type combination is unique to a special form of this generation III Pokemon.
What is Altaria (mega Altaria)?
Back stick, swatting, penalty corner.
What is field hockey?
Name at least 3 of the 4 movies I currently have as my favourite films on my profile.
What are Jojo Rabbit, La La Land, Spirited Away, and Blade Runner 2049.
Lake Louise ski resort was fined 2.1 million dollars in 2017 for cutting down this kind of endangered pine.
What is a whitebark pine?