Lines, Drains and Tubes, OH MY
Death by Documentation
Keep a Sharp Eye
Surgical Knowledge
Guess Who

What is something you should NOT crush and flush through a J/G tube?

What is an extended release medication?


Device you should document on along with a POC stick for a diabetic patient if applicable.

What is a continuous glucose monitor?


This should be done at every RN to RN handoff.

What is bedside report and line reconciliation? 


Items/supplies that should be in all trach patient rooms. 

What are the ambu bag, trach tower, extra trach, obturator, suction and saline?


Love/hate lizards, thinks Godzilla is cute but wants to punt the Geico gecko into space

Who is Marie?


Tasks you should perform between doing peri care and catheter care for a patient with a foley.

What is hand hygiene and changing gloves?


Documentation that needs to be done every 48 hours for your diabetic patients.

What is diabetes education?


Every 2 hours documented by the RN only. (hint not pain documentation)

What is restraint documentation?


Something you should do during the daytime with your cystectomy ileal loop patient. 

What is remove the night drainage bag?


I have played basketball for over 15 years.

Who is Kellieanne?


Should be open to a -20mmHg when a chest tube is hooked up to suction.

What is the bellow?


Frequency of documenting a nursing shift summary note.

What is at end of every shift? 


Feature on the stryker bed to help prevention falls (*hint it is green when working correctly?

What is the iBed awareness feature?


Medications that should not be given to a patient with an epidural.

Anticoagulants (not SQ heparin or aspirin), opioids, benzodiazepines not ordered by APS


I have been to more than 30 countries. 

Who is Emily K?


Process of: instill 300 ml of sterile water or saline into the bladder and remove foley, have patient void, measure voided volume. If patient voids 200ml or more within 30 mins of bladder filling, they have passed the voiding trial. 

What is the radical hysterectomy voiding trial? 


This should be documented on a CVAD every 24 hours.

What is line necessity?


Maximum of 2 times for line clearance

What is the maximum amount of times you can use alteplase?

The number of times the patient would be completing internal AND external rinses after a penile inversion vaginoplasty.

What is 3 times a day, or more frequently as needed (after bathroom or bowel movements)?


This person experiences thalassophobia and coulrophobia. 

Who is Rachel?


This step should be taken after flushing liquids through an NG tube.

What is flushing the air vent with air?


This should be done with your patient's incision prior to discharge.

What is, take a photo of the patient's incision and upload to health link?


Something that is absolutely required for constant observation safety.

What is hand off report? 


Blocks the opioid effect in the gastrointestinal tract without interfering with the central-acting analgesic effects of opioids.

What is the desired effect of Alvimopan (Entereg)?


Hid their mom's teeth so she couldn't embarrass them by talking during a sex-ed class.

Who is Betsy?