Bending your knees and keeping your back straight
What Is a Proper Lifting
What Does D Stand For
The single most important thing you can do to prevent spread of infection is to
What is wash your hands
When possible, giving directions you do not do this
What is pointing them where to go.
Should be off or on silent when volunteering
What is our Cellphone
What Does A Stand For
Using soap and water and washing vigorously for 15 seconds
What is correct way to wash your hands
I am "just a volunteer"
What is something you should never say...our volunteer are precious and you are never "just"
Telephone number is 320-2444
What is the Volunteer Scheduling Hotline
What is your response to a fire.
What Does I Stand For
What is best way to prevent spread of germs when sneezing, coughing,
What is sneeze into your elbow
What you see her stays here when you leave here
Mums the word
What patient confidentiality
What you wear at all times when you volunteer
Your photo ID
Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep is used
What is use of Fire Extinguisher
What Does E Stand For
Where you can you smoke or vape on HFM Campus's
What is Nowhere
Elevator to use with wheelchiar
What are service elevators
Patients, visitors, vendors, other employees and volunteers
What are our customers
Run Hide, Fight is response to
What is an active shooter
What Does T Stand For
Thank you
When hands don't look or feel dirty, is it okay to use this
What is hand sanitizer
Faith, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, are all examples of
What is a mandatory requirement for all volunteers to complete yearly
Flu shot or education