For reals!
Who Knew
screening training identification investigation protection reporting/response
What are the required elements?
What must be within the written policy regarding how all residents would be protected from physical and/or psychosocial harm?
What is responding immediately to protect the alleged victim and integrity of investigation; examining the alleged victim; increased supervision of the alleged victim and residents; ROOM AND/OR STAFFING CHANGES; protection from retaliation, and provision of emotional support.
True or False: Is a facility suppose to establish a safe environment which establishes policies and procedures to support consensual sexual relationships for residents?
Is and abuse facility task still applicable?
What is no. There is now specific pathways related to abuse and neglect and the facility task portion is different.
What must be included in F 608?
What is the policy needs to include how the facility will notify covered individuals that they have a requirement to report to the state agency and law enforcement any reasonable suspicion of a crime. They shall report immediately, but not later than 2 hrs but within 24 hrs if no bodily injury. Ensure there is a conspicuous posting of the employee rights and the prevention of retaliation.
The facility must develop and implement written policies and procedures that prohibit and prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation of residents and misappropriation of resident property.
What is F607.
What would be cited if the facility fails to develop, implement, and maintain a training program related to dementia management training?
What is F947
Under what area would you find not tampering with/ or destroying evidence?
What is investigation.
Who is the facility expected to educate about the policies and procedures related to ANE?
What is staff, which includes employees, the medical director, consultants, contractors, volunteers, students, and other caregivers who provide services on behalf of the facility.
Who is a covered individual?
What is anyone who is an owner, operator, employee, manager, agent, or contractor of the facility.
True or False: The policy must include how the facility will assess a potential residents functional and mood/behavior status; medical acuity; special needs?
What behavioral symptoms of resident might aggravate abusive behavior?
What is aggressive reactions; wandering; resistance to cares; outbursts / yelling out; and/or adjustment difficulties.
So the investigation is over, what does the facility need to include in the policy regarding the investigation?
What is ensuring that all necessary actions are taken as a result of the investigation. May include why the abuse occurred, defining how the care will change, how the staff will be trained, who will implement the training, date the training will be completed, and who will continue the supervision of the revision.
True or False: Does the facility policy for ANE need to contain who would be responsible for the supervision of staff on all shifts to identify inappropriate staff behaviors (rough handling, ignoring residents while giving cares, bad language, etc)?
What is True
What do you do if you find out something that has not been reported to the facility that has criminal implications?
The surveyor should report it to the facility and encourage them to contact the appropriate agencies. If they refuse, then we need to contact Teresa.
Under what guidance is where in service training of C.N.A's regarding behavioral symptoms of residents which might increase the risk of ANE and how to respond be found?
What is the training section.
True of False: Would F607 not be substandard quality of care and cause an extended or partial extended survey?
What are the 3 most common reasons that we would cite 607?
What is the facility failed to develop and implement written P/P that prohibited and prevented ANE which included: 1. the need to screen residents and staff 2. investigation 3. staff identification of ANE 4. protection of the residents 5. training 6. reporting of ANE
What needs to be done in order for the facility to know what resources are needed to completely care for the residents?
What is a facility assessment.
What would be a level 2 noncompliance with F608?
What is failure to post signage, provide annual notification to staff about reporting, and if 5 staff member can not verbalize the need to report suspected crimes to law enforcement or the state, they were afraid of retaliation, and they could not tell you the reporting time frames.
How are staff advised of how and to whom they may report concerns.
What is the written policy.
What must the facility provide to ensure that the policy is implemented?
What is training, ongoing oversight, and supervision.
When would we cite F607 at an F?
What is when other deficiencies related to ANE are cited.
Would the facility be expected to have in their policy how they would screen consultants, contractors (ie agency, PT/OT, etc), volunteers, and students?
What is you bet! And the facility is expected to maintain documentation of the screening for all of the above.
They saw observation is a skill, what else are we to be observing and making notes about?
What is the signage related to employee rights and if it contains all the required notifications.