Transcendentalism (Emerson and Thoreau)
Romantic Poetry
Key Figures and Ideas
Random Class Knowledge

True or False: Romantics believed emotion was more reliable than logic when seeking truth.



True or False: Thoreau believed simplicity was essential to a meaningful life.



In “To a Waterfowl,” the bird’s journey symbolizes:
A. Survival of the fittest
B. The soul’s journey guided by faith
C. The power of instinct over intellect
D. The unpredictability of life

B. The soul’s journey guided by faith


True or False: Emerson believed that society helps individuals achieve greatness.



In Dead Poet Society, what is the last line said by the boys when Mr. Keating is leaving the school?

"Oh Captain, My Captain"


Which term best describes the Romantic view of nature? A. Resource for humans B. Sacred and spiritual C. Chaotic and destructive D. Separate from humanity

B. Sacred and spiritual


Emerson says society demands conformity. What does he propose as the alternative?

Self-reliance and trusting oneself.


Why does the poet in “To a Waterfowl” emphasize the bird’s solitude?

It mirrors the Romantic ideal of pursuing an individual, spiritual path.


Why did Thoreau build his house at Walden Pond?

To simplify his life and discover what is essential


The song "Little Boxes" message is that

Most people conform to the exact same life


The Romantics believed that imagination allowed people to:
A. Solve scientific problems
B. Create physical inventions
C. Discover truths beyond the physical world
D. Develop better laws for society

C. Discover truths beyond the physical world


In “Self-Reliance,” Emerson claims that being misunderstood is:
A. Inevitable for great thinkers
B. A sign of failure
C. Proof of wisdom
D. Evidence of poor communication

A. Inevitable for great thinkers


In "The Learn'd Astronomer" what does Whitman find outside that he couldn't find inside?

He realizes that finding meaning from the natural world is infinitely more valuable.

What is the meaning of the quote, "Imitation is Suicide?" 

Following others kills individual creativity and potential.


I did a lesson that was called "Chase the Man" what was that lesson, and what was the point of it?

Describe the ideal version of yourself on a sticky note, and reflect on where you are now, and how you can get closer to achieving who you want to be. (Connected to Emerson's Self Reliance)


A Romantic person would disagree with a Rationalist person because of this belief/worldview. 

Rationalists value logic; Romantics value emotion


Compare Emerson’s “transparent eyeball” metaphor to Thoreau’s experience at Walden Pond.

Both represent a unity with nature and an ability to perceive deeper truths beyond the self.

What is a key thematic similarity between "Learn'd Astronomer" and "To a Waterfowl"

Both poets have epiphanies (learn lessons) through solitude and the observation of nature. 


What does Thoreau mean by “march to the beat of your own drummer”?

Each person should follow their own unique path, regardless of societal expectations


How does the “Allegory of the Cave” relate to Romanticism?

It symbolizes breaking free from societal norms to discover higher truths


What trait of Romantic literature makes it considered uniquely American?

It allowed writers to embrace individuality, nature, and themes unique to American culture.


Explain the metaphor that Thoreau uses to end Walden, with the hatching beetle. What meaning does he intend by this story?

After solitude, he is reborn into the world as a new creature, ready to show what he learned and how he's changed.


Who are the 4 characters in "To a Waterfowl?" (must get all 4 to win)

The poet, the bird, the fowler, and God.


What specific aspect of 19th century technology did Thoreau reference that demonstrated his skepticism about technological progress?

The railroad being build close to his property at Walden Pond. 


What are the two metaphors I used to try and encourage you all to not procrastinate on your essays?

Eating a moose and climbing mountains.