What is brisket?
Anytime Grandma gives a gift, this statement follows.
What is, "You can always return or exchange this... I have the receipt!"
What does Grandma do anytime one of us travels?
What is "She'll call the pilot and manage Air Traffic Control"?
What is three (turtleneck, v-neck fleece, puffer)?
This dish often called Jewish penicillin.
What is matzo ball soup?
This is Grandma's preferred gift wrapping.
What is a recycled Nordstrom box, wrapping paper, gift bag, and ribbons?
What is mahjong?
What salon service did Papa learn to help Grandma?
What is Coloring her Hair?
This dairy staple tastes best when served in Grandma's kitchen.
What is Trader Joe's cottage cheese?
Right before bed, Grandma will invoke this hope for you.
What is "Wake Up Well"?
Anytime the wind blows fiercely, Grandma demands this sail adjustment.
What is reefing the main?
What special breakfast would Grandma make after a sleepover?
What are Chocolate Chip Pancookies?
This is a guaranteed event at any meal with Grandma.
What is "something went down the wrong way"?
Grandma does this every day, for her health or for a little alone time.
What is taking a walk?
These are the best parts of having Grandma tuck you into bed.
What are "back scratching and singing Ay Lulu?"