True or False:
Most protists are aquatic, which means they live in water.
The two main types of plantlike protists.
What are algae and plankton?
(pg 96)
The group of animal like protists.
What are protozoa? (pg 102)
An organisms that eats dead or decaying things.
What is a Saprophyte? (pg 107)
This protist group is responsible for causing malaria.
What are sporozoans? (pg 107)
Plant-like protists contain this organelle, making them autotrophs.
What are chloroplasts?
(pg 96)
Amoebas move with this structure by extending their cell membrane, allowing cytoplasm to flow into the new space.
Although not a fungus like protists, this protists can be responsible for causing dysentery.
Dinoflagellates, Euglenas, and diatoms. (pg 97)
This protists is responsible for a red, toxic bloom that is deadly to pond life and people.
Dinoflagellates (pg 97)
The process in which amoebas reproduce.
What is binary fission? (pg 102)
Cilia serve three important purposes for ciliates. (100 pts for each purpose)
1. Sense their surroundings
2. Movement
3. Sweep food into the food (into the oral groove).
A white fuzzy growth on fish caused by a fungus like protists.
What is Ich? (pg 107)
What are giant kelp?
(pg 100)
True of False:
Protists are either autotrophic or heterotrophic, but can't be both.
Euglenas can photosynthesize to make their own food, but can also acquire other food when conditions are not right. (Pg 97)
Golden Algae also have the ability to supplement and become heterotrophic to survive. (Pg 101)
Plant-like protists move with this structure.
Describe this structure for a bonus 50pt
What a flagellum?
A flagellum is a long whip-like structure (Bonus 50pts)
What is the large nucleus?
What are sporozoans?
(pg 105)
Bonus 50pts if you can also name a specific protist that reproduces with this process.
What is conjugation? (pg 103)
Bonus 50pt: A paramecium (or Slipper-shaped paramecium)
The four main structures that from in brown algae.
What are blades, stipes, hold-fasts, and air bladders?
A "good" final cause of these protists exists in their symbiotic relationship with wood eating insects as they live in the insect's intestines and aid with dissection.
What are zooflagellates?
(100pts per example)
1. They reproduce using spores.
2. They can feed by absorbing decaying vegetation.
3. They absorb dissolved food particles.
4. Some look like fuzzy molds.
5. They are heterotrophic.
(PG 107)
If I wanted to go swimming in a bioluminescent bay, I would be swimming with these glowing protists.
What are dinoflagellates? (pg 97)