How many free snacks does everyone who is on program get per day?
If you are on program, you get one free snack from the closet before nutrition.
You can also get free healthy snacks with staff permission throughout the day.
True or false: Cell phones need to be put away during instruction time.
*This includes when you are working on an assignment independently.
What is the first and most important classroom expectation?
Respect each other, staff, and the classroom space.
What does it mean to be on program or off program?
To be on program means you are following all the classroom expectations.
To be off program means you are not following the classroom expectations.
Who is Ms. Golobay and what is her role?
Teacher and case manager - teaches the class, makes sure you're meeting your IEP goals, and supports you graduating on time and getting the support you need to succeed academically
How much does it cost to buy a snack?
25 bonus points*
*Unless it is a staff designated healthy snack, which is free
What happens if a staff sees you with your cell phone out during instruction time?
You will receive a prompt.
When can you sit on the bean bags and couches?
During break times and with staff permission
How do you get back on program?
You complete specific tasks that staff assigns.
Who is Ms. Tiffany and what is her role?
Classroom Therapist - provides individual and group therapy and supports you when you are in crisis
When can you get snacks?
Before nutrition and beginning of sixth period
What happens if you receive three cell phone prompts?
Staff will ask you to give your phone to a staff member, and staff will keep your phone until the end of the period.*
*If possible, staff will charge it for you once you give it to them.
True or false: It is okay to stay in F9 instead of going to your mainstream class.
Name three examples of tasks you could be assigned in order to get back on program.
Check-ins, written reflections, working outside the classroom, special projects
Who are Ms. Divya, Ms. Daniella, and Ms. Salem and what are their roles?
Mental Health Counselors: They support you staying in class and staying focused on your work and helping you meet the classroom expectations and your own personal goals.
What is the maximum amount of snacks you can get at a time?
What happens if a student refuses to give staff their cell phone after receiving three prompts?
The student will be out of program.
What is a behavior contract and how do I get one?
A behavior contract is a specific agreement in which you commit to working towards a goal and receive an agreed upon reward for completing that goal. Talk to staff to let them know that you want a contract and discuss what a good goal and reward would be.
What is the consequence of being off program?
You don't get to receive classroom privileges.
What are the staff designated areas in the classroom?
Ms. Golobay's desk, Ms. Divya, Ms. Daniella, and Ms. Salem's desks, and Ms. Tiffany's office
If you are going to eat a snack in the classroom, what do you need to do?
Clean up after yourself
True or false: The cell phone policy also applies to laptops and other devices?
Fill in the blanks: All students ________, _________, and ________ in class.
attend, participate, and stay
Snacks, bonus points, store, contracts, field trips, certain fun classroom activities
True or false: Only staff is allowed in staff designated areas?