Patient Preparation
Safety & Compliance
Routine Blood Collections
Special Collections

A phlebotomist is reviewing a requisition and should take this step before performing a venipuncture on a patient.

What is properly identifying the patient using two identifiers?


The most effective method to prevent the spread of infection in healthcare settings.

What is proper hand hygiene?

 (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds)


This vein is most commonly used for routine venipuncture.

What is the Median cubital vein?


The following tests require the use of a chain of custody protocol.

What is BAC? (blood alcohol content or BAL blood alcohol level) Or Paternity testing? Or drug testing? Or forensics? 


The appropriate temperature for transporting a cold agglutinin sample.

What is Body temperature (37°C or 98.6°F)? 


Before performing a venipuncture, the phlebotomist asks the patient if they have had any food, drink, or medication in the last 8–12 hours when collecting this type of sample. 

What is a fasting glucose or lipid panel? 


What a phlebotomist will do first if they accidentally sustain a needlestick injury.  

Wash the area with soap and water immediately for at least 15 seconds.  


The action a phlebotomist should take if they suspect they have punctured an artery during a routine blood draw.

Immediately remove the needle and apply firm pressure for at least five minutes.


The primary reason for collecting a blood specimen for a 2-hour postprandial (PP) glucose test. 

What is determining how a patient’s blood glucose level responds after eating?


The correct procedure for processing a serum specimen that requires centrifugation.

What is allowing the specimen to clot for 30-60 minutes before centrifuging?


A patient expresses anxiety before a blood draw, this is the most appropriate response by the phlebotomist.

How to explain the procedure in simple terms and offer reassurance? 


The regulatory agency that is responsible for setting standards to protect workers from exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

What is OSHA? 

(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)  


The blood flow has stopped after inserting the needle into a vein, and the phlebotomist should do this.

Adjust the angle of the needle slightly to check if the bevel is against the vein wall. 


The following precaution must be taken by the phlebotomist when performing an infant heel puncture for a bilirubin test.

What is avoid exposure to light by covering the sample?  


The maximum amount of time a blood sample can remain before being centrifuged for plasma separation. 

What is 2 hours?


The correct position for a patient who is prone to fainting during a blood draw. 

What is the Supine position?

(reclining or lying down on a flat surface) 


The appropriate disposal method for a used needle after performing a venipuncture.

Dispose of the needle directly into a sharps container without recapping.


The recommended angle of insertion for a routine venipuncture using the antecubital vein.

What is 15 to 30 degrees?


The following test is most likely to be affected by patient posture and must be drawn while the patient is in a supine position. 

What is Plasma renin activity?


The most critical step for a specimen tube that is used for laboratory analysis.

What is properly labeling the tube in the presence of the patient immediately after collection?


When preparing a patient for a glucose tolerance test (GTT), these specific instructions are provided by the phlebotomist. 

The patient must fast for 8-12 hours before the test. 


This type of isolation precaution is required when dealing with patients who have infections like tuberculosis. 

What are airborne precautions?


This action is to be taken when a phlebotomist is reporting laboratory results. 

What is sending the results to the patient's provider?


This blood sample must be kept on an ice slurry by the phlebotomist after collection.

What is Lactic acid? Or Ammonia? Or Blood gases?


The following action can cause a hemolyzed specimen. 

What is shaking a collection tube vigorously?