What artist created a purse with cats and shapes?
Who is Laurel Burch?
What type of line is used on the street to pass?
What is a Dotted line?
How many colors are in the rainbow?
What is 7?
What shape means Love?
What is a Hear?t
What type of paint do you use with Watercolor paper?
What are Watercolors?
Who painted the woman in Gold?
Who is Gustav Klimt?
What line tells you someone is sleeping?
What is Zig ZAG?
Name the Primary colors?
What is Red, Blue, Yellow?
What shape has no sides or corner?
What is Circle?
What medium would you sculpt a mask with?
What is Plaster of Paris?
Who known for painting big, beautiful flowers?
Who is Georgia Okeeffe?
What 2 lines run side by side?
What is a Parallel line?
What 2 colors would you mix to make Purple?
What is Red and blue?
What shape has 4 corners and is equal on each side?
What is a square?
What type of paint does not wash out?
What is Acrylic?
Which artist cut his ear off?
Who is Vincente Van Gogh?
What line do we associate the ocean with?
What is Wavey line?
Name 2 colors make a tertiary color.
red/orange blue/green
What shape has 3 equal sides and 3 corners?
What is a triangle?
What kitchen item did we use to make textured landscaped?
What is Aluminum foil?
Which famous artist was famous for doing Pop Art of a soup can?
Who is Andy Warhol?
What kind of line do you use a ruler to draw?
What is Straight line?
What are the 3 properties of color?
What is Hue, Value, and Intensity?
What is the difference between a geometric shape and an organic shape?
Geometric shapes are made with a straight edge or a drawing tool. Organic shapes are free form found in nature.
What kind of eyes should we have used for the Andy Warhol eagle pop art?
What are Googly eyes?