Abigail Saves the Day (Dig site 15)
King at Last
(Dig Site 16)
Obedience brings blessings. (Dig site 17)
Temple Talk
(Dig Site 18)
Keeping Promises
(Dig Site 19)

what church is this?

toms river  nazarene


Is jim vivanco in this picture?



At first, how did David Return the Ark to Israel?

1. Carried by Levites

2. On a cart, led by Oxen

3. Federal Express

4.  He and his brothers carried it

2. On a cart, led by Oxen


When David wanted to build a Temple for the Lord, what did the prophet Nathan say at first?

1. Do it for God is with you.

2. Ask the Levites and priests for their advice.

3. Don't do it until  you've defeated all you enemies.

4. Get Jimmy to do it for you.

1.  Do it for God is with you.


Who said, "Is there anyone left from the House of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

1 Ziba

2. David

3. Mephibosheth.

4. Someone from McDonald's

2. David


When Samuel died, where was he buried?

1. Ramah

2. Shiloh

3. Bethlehem

4. In Jimmy's backyard

1. Ramah (25:1)


When Saul was badly wounded in battle, what did he ask his amour bearer to do?

1 "Go get some Help."

2. "Tell Jonathan, I will soon and he will be King."

3. "Please kill me."

3. Please kill me


what is in Godzilla's mouth?

a yellow peep


What message did the Lord give to Nathan the Prophet for King David.

1.  Because you want to build a house for me, I will bless you by saving you from your enemies.

2.  After you build the temple, make sure that you keep it clean.

3.  Are you going to build me a House? No, I will build you a house.

4.  I don't need a temple; the Tented Tabernacle is fine.

3.  Are you going to build me a House? No, I will build you a house.


Did this boy ever go to Bible Quizzing?

Yes, it's Gabriel


How did Nabal insult David when David asked for food for him and his men? Nabal said:

1. "You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny."

2. "You know there are a lot of slaves running away from their Masters nowadays"

3. "You are not worthy to become King"

2. "You know there are a lot of slaves running away from their Masters nowadays"


Who also died the same day King Saul died?

1. Samuel

2. Jonathan

3.The Priest of Midian

2. Jonathan


Why did Uzzah reach out and touch the Ark?

1. He wanted to touch something Holy.

2. The Oxen stumbled and he meant to steady it.

3. Because Samuel told him to do it.

4.  He wanted to put flowers on it to honor God.

2. The Oxen stumbled and he meant to steady it.


How many kids are in the water?



Who was a servant in Saul's Household?

1. Mika

2. Ziba

3. Mephibosheth

4. Jim Vivanco's dog

2. Ziba


True or False: Did David protect Nabel in the wilderness from robbers, ect?



True or False:  After Saul died, David was made king over All Isreal, including the tribe of Judah.



What happened to Uzzah after he touched the Ark.

1. He died

2. He was blessed

3. David yelled at him to stop

4. He stumbled with the Oxen

1. He died


Who did God say would eventually build the temple?

1. David's Son

2. Nathan and the Levites

3.  Jonathan's sons.

4. The very lazy Jim Vivanco

1. David's Son


What honor did David give to Mephibosheth?

1. He ate regularly at the King's table

2. He wore royal robes

3. David gave his daughter to him in marriage.

4.  He said Jim Vivanco will clean your room everyday.

1. He ate regurlary at the King's table.


What does the name Nabal mean?:

1. Fool

2. Unrighteous One

3. He who shears sheep

4. Meat eater

1. Fool


What was the name of Saul's son who reigned over Israel for two years?

1. Jonathan

2. Mister Jim Dude

3. Bathsheeba

4. Ish-Bosheth

4. Ish-Bosheth


How did David feel after what happened to Uzzah?

1 He rejoiced in the Lord

2.  He mourned and almost cried

3. Like Jimmy feels everytime he has to wake up for work.

4.  He was Angry and Afriad.

4. He was angry and afraid


What did the Lord say about David's son:

1. He will be great among the nations

2. I will be a Father to him and he will be my son.

3.  He shall conquer his enemies with a firm hand.

4. He will be better looking than Jim Vivanco

2. I will be a Father to him and he will be My son.


Who was Mephibosheth's son?

1. Mephibosheth jr.

2. Mika

3. Ziba.


2. Mika