Criticical Approaches to Literature
Figurative language
Syntax and Miscellaneous terms

The story of a young girl would defied her leader.

What is the play Antigone?


This is the term used when two sentences are separated by a comma.

What is a comma splice.


This approach studies the interaction of
reader with text, holding the text as incomplete until it
is read. This approach reflects the understanding that an individual reader’s interpretation usually changes over time and differs between generations and
time periods in interpretation.

What is the Reader-Response approach?


The repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words in succession whose purpose is to provide an audible pulse that gives a piece of writing a lulling, lyrical, and/or emotive effect

What is alliteration?


The function of FANBOYS.

What is connect to independent clauses in a complete sentence?


They were lovers from different backgrounds but stayed true to their union despite great opposition.

What is the story of "Cupid and Psyche"?


This is another term for a dependent clause.

What is a fragment?


This approach argues that social
contexts (the social environment) must be
considered when analyzing a text and reflects the understanding that literature is a reflection
of its society.

What is the Sociological Approach?


A common poetic device where an object in, or the subject of, a poem is described as being the same as another otherwise unrelated object.

What is metaphor?


This is when a speaker or writer uses their own words to share information that someone else has already shared.

What is paraphrase?


This includes verse, stanza, rhythm, meter, line break, rhyme and depth of verse.

What is the structure of a poem?


This punctuation is used between two closely related independent clauses instead of a period.

What is a semi colon?


This approach examines works by and about
women. Gender Criticism evolved out of feminism to
address issues of masculinity/femininity as binaries,
sexual orientation, hetero-sexism, and differences in
sexes. It is concerned with the role, position, and influence of women in a literary text and asserts that most “literature” throughout time has been
written by men, for men. It also examines the way the
female consciousness is depicted by both male and female writers.

What is the Feminist approach?


This is common poetic device. The subject of the poem is described by comparing it to another object or subject, using 'as' or 'like'.

What is simile?


This is the punctuation that follows an introductory phrase.

What is a comma?


A verse rhythm that has 10 syllables per line and is often used in Shakespeare’s writing and is even suitable for Rap.

What is Iambic pentameter?


This punctuation is used to indicate that there is a little more information to share about an idea.

What are parentheses or a dash?


This approach emphasizes the form of a literary
work to determine its meaning, focusing on literary
elements and how they work to create meaning and reflects the understanding that literature exists independent of any particular reader and, in a
sense, has a fixed meaning that is “timeless” and “universal.”

What is the Formalist approach?


This is a series of representational images that make abstract ideas easier to understand.

What is symbolism?


This special sentence includes a topic and what the author wants to say about the topic that illustrates special significance.

What is a thesis statement?


This is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

What is blank verse?


This punctuation is used to indicate that the writer is reporting what someone else said word-for-word.

What are quotation marks?


This approach sees literature as a reflection of the life of the author, the historical period in which the work was produced, and the historical period in which the work is set and is concerned with how the author’s original audience would have understood the writing.

What is the Historical Approach


This is the term for a story, poem or image that has a hidden meaning.

What is allegory?


This is today.

What is the end of the course?