Determines the academic data shown on the first tab
What is Student Program/Plan?
Proration rules key off this field
What is financial aid load?
Days FA Term runs in nightly batch
What is everyday?
Yellow build button does
What is build a term record, if there are any updates?
Describe each digit in the term number (ex: 1228)
What is century, calendar year, and the last number is term designation (2/Spring, 4/Summer, 8/Autumn)?
Yearly loan aggregates key off which field
What is start?
Would systems let nightly batch run/complete if FA TERM job failed
What is no?
This page shows the term census date
What is 1st tab/Census date hyperlink?
Is sub-plan reliable to determine if a student is in a online program
What is maybe?
FA units taken does not match student enrolled hours
What is repeat coursework?
Stop FA term from building/overwriting existing data
What is detached study?
Confirm a student will go thru the nightly budget process
What is assign budget field?
FA Term will not build past autumn term
What is expected graduation date?
Where weeks of instruction get reported
What is Pell/COD records?
Term Career data does not match students term enrollment
What is term activated under wrong career?
FA term does not build at all for a student
What is no active admissions application or career/program/plan?
Name the four sources within build info
What is admissions, no data, term, and program?
How to tell a students enrollment (freshman/enrolled/transfer/etc)
What is student enrollment type?
Summer FA term builds if
What is enrollment/term activation, admit term, professional lock step, "Will Enroll" PKG variable?
FA term will show which academic plan (if student has multiple)
What is lowest sequenced plan?