What does ILP mean
Individualized Learning Plan
What is FLIP it Method
When are homework log due
weekly on Monday
What is the Social Emotional called
When should you track children in your classroom
30 minutes after arrival
before and after leaving the classroom
when taking children to the bathroom if outside of the classroom
At every meal time
Whenever a child leaves the classroom and is not leaving for the day.
What does SPP stand for
Shared Play Plan
What methods cannot be used in classroom to guide children's behavior. Must name at least 3
Corporal punishment
Threatened or actual withdrawal of food, rest, or use of the bathroom
Use of food as a reward
Abusive or profane language
Punishment for soiling, wetting, or not using the toilet
Bribes, false threats or false choices
Public or private humiliation
What does FLP Stand for
Family Learning Party
What is the developmental screening called
What are teacher child ratios for HS and EHS
HS 1-10
EHS 1-4
What are SRG's
School Readiness Goals
Challenging Behaviors is Language True or False
Something may not feel quite right.
The child is trying to get their needs met.
What does FEN stand for
Family Engagement Network Meeting
Help Assessment is an ongoing assesment tool that stays with the child until they turn 3. True or False
Help Booklets stay with children until they transition to the HS program. Scores are collected every Quarter to produce Kindercharts.
What is the SUPER Mantra
Perform Sweep
Exact Count
Roll call and Exact Count
What are some things you can use to come up with goals for the your ILP's(Name at least two to get the points)
Teacher Observations
Parent Concerns
HELP Scores
Screening Results
Assessment Scores
Time outs can be used in classrooms for extreme behaviors. True or False
Time outs are never used in our classrooms, we should be redirecting and teaching children calm down techniques to help them regulate their emotions.
What does PEER mean
Pause: Settle into the moment, get ready to engage
Engage: Enjoying the activity together, having back and forth conversations
Encourage: Building child's confidence by letting them solve their own problems
Reflect: Ask open ended questions to help the children think about the activity they just did
What are Kinder Charts
Kinder Charts
Monitors child progress across Head Starts five (5) essential domains
• Provides a framework to identify and report school readiness goals
• Provides individualized reports that illustrate patterns of progress and outcomes in groups of children to best inform program assessment.
What does Authorized Release mean
Children can only be released to adults who have been authorized to pick them up.
When an escort who is on the list that you do not recognize or have not met before comes to pick up you MUST ask to see their identification.
If someone who is not on the list comes to pick up, use your center’s process for requesting support from the office.
How often do you complete ILPs/SPP
ILP's every two weeks
SPP Weekly
What can be use in your classroom to help reduce challenging behaviors.
Classroom Rules and expectations
Daily Routines/Schedules
What ways can you engage with families during the school year
Parent teacher conferences
Home Visits
Volunteering in the classroom
Homework Logs
What is LENA
LENA is our language assessment tool that measures the amount of conversational turns are had in the classroom during the day. Conversational turns are when a child or teacher says something and the child or teacher responds. It does not record what is said only the adult and child voices.
When should you ask for help in you classrooms
A child is injured
Challenging behavior – e.g., a child runs out of the classroom
Teacher needs to use the restroom