This element has the letter W and high melting point
What is tungsten
What is Japan
General Electric gua advenger
What is the a-10 warthog
Angry boss lousy workers
What is regular show
This city is know for its drugs
What is Chicago
This element is the radioactive used for fire alarms
What is americium
The symbol of this German flag
What is the swastika
This airline is the most common for Disney tourists
What is south west
Mainly about tech
What is icarly
Tall towers state of the blue birds
What is New York City
Eww it’s yellow very yucky and smelly
What is sulfur
1945 was the death for this dictator
Who is Adolf Hitler
Went missing in South Carolina
What is the F-35
The theme says who lives in a pineapple under the sea
What is SpongeBob
Casinos and weed
What is las vegas
Breath in breath out
Horror in respect
What was the Soviet Union
3 engines most crashes
What was the DC-10
The show is about Australian animal keepers but no father
Who is the Irwin’s
Tiny smelly
What is Boston
Soda cans
What is aluminum
The bomb that blew up Hiroshima was called…
what was the fat man
Fast in flight highly British
What was the Concorde
Time for exploring and finding strange things and treasure
What is adventure time
Place of the mountains and snow
what is Juno Alaska