Glomerular filtration is determine by?
Filtration pressure in glomeruli and permeable surface area in the glomerular membrane
Irritable Bowel Syndrome treatments?
Antispasmodics, bulk-forming agents, antidiarrheals, and tricyclic depressants. Patient education is to increase fiber, avoid gluten and cards, and using FODMAP for foods to avoid
Causes and S/S of liver failure?
Acetaminophen and hepatitis virus. Weakness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, muscle wasting, bruising, jaundice.
Pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of COPD?
Inflammation and mucus production in bronchi. Chronic cough, dyspnea, wheezing, prolonged expiration, barrel chest, cyanosis, fatigue
Factors when choosing antimicrobial agent?
Sensitivity of organism, fewest adverse effects, simplest dosing schedules, shortest course, least expensive
How does a decrease in blood volume and hydrostatic pressure affect GFR and fluid excretion?
Decrease in these two factors decreases GFR and fluid excretion
S/S of Chrohn's
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramping, weight loss
Causes of pancreatitis and nursing interventions?
Gall stones, duct obstruction, infection, alcohol, hypertriglyceridemia, trauma, viral infection, ideopathic. NPO, NG tube, IV fluids, parenteral analgesics.
Medications for COPD?
Glucocorticoids, Beta-agonists (SABAs and,LABAs), and anticholinergics
Adverse effects of penicillin?
GI upset (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea), urticaria, black hairy tongue, hemolytic anemia, MRSA
Complications of chronic kidney disease?
Fluid and electrolyte balance; impaired vitamin D activation; alteration in protein, fat and carb metabolism; hypertension; fluid overload; inadequate erythropoietin
S/S of ulcerative colitis?
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, elevated ESR. Severe cases 6 or more bloody stools/day, fever, tachycardia.
Brand name and MOA of proton pump inhibitors
Omeprazole or pantoprazole. Inhibits hydrogen/potassium pump in stomach, reducing acid secretion
Effects of glucocorticoids?
Anti-inflammatory effects, immunosuppressant effects, elevated glucose levels, suppressed protein synthesis, fat deposits are mobilized
Medications for Stable/Unstable Angina
Antianginal, Calcium channel blockers, Beta blockers, organic nitrates
Signs/symptoms and treatment of SIADH
Hyponatremia, water retention, and concentrated urine. Treat with fluid restriction, diuretics, and treatment of underlying cause.
Treatments for IBD
5-aminosalicylate, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, immuno-modulators, surgery, antibiotics
Manifestations of Gastritis and Gastroenteritis?
Gastritis: burning epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia. Gastroenteritis: diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, nausea vomiting.
PPE and inidications for Contact, Droplet, and Airborne precautions
Contact: gloves & gown - MRSA & C.diff. Droplet: mask, goggles/face shield - influenza, covid 19. Airborne: negative airflow room & N95 - Chicken pox, tuberculosis.
Signs/symptoms and treatment of Diabetes Insipidus
Polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia, hypovolemia, low urine osmolality and hypernatremia. Treatment includes Desmopression and fluid replacement (Central DI). Thiazide diuretics and low sodium (Nephrogenic DI).
H. Pylori infection and NSAIDs. Medications are H-2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, antacids, mucosal protectants
What are the pathological traits of Alzheimers disease?
Beta-amyloid protein fragments accumulate and aggregate into insoluble amyloid plaques in the brain that trigger inflammatory response and disrupt communication
Risk factors that may increase risk for infection in elderly patients?
Decreased immunity, decreased integrity of integumentary system, decreased cough and gag reflex, decreased gastric acid and intestinal motility, increased chronic illness, immobility, incontinence, invasive devices, and institutionalization.