At The end of Sonic The Hedgehog, who comes to earth to search for Sonic?
In Pokemon, what is Charmander's final evolution
Name The Teams Kyrie Irving has Played on
Celtics, Cavs, Nets
What was the best weapon in Fortnite Season 1?
What is Martian Manhunter's weakness?
Name at Least 2-3 Infinty Stones
Answers are varied
At the end of Stranger Things season 2 Eleven permanently closes the bridge to the upside to the real world. But how do the monsters still come back in season 3?
The Russians in Hawkins have secretly reopened the door to the upside down
Do you have to have two feet in bounds for a complete touchdown in the NFL or College Football?
What was the First Fortnite Vehicle? I say more stuff when this question comes up
The Shopping Cart
What City Does Green Arrow Protect?
Star City
In Jojo Rabbit, When The Police comes to Jojo's house what does the Jewish Girl do?
She pretends like she is Jojo's sister (who is dead but no one knows about it)
How does Count Olaf die in A Series of Unfortunate Events?
Gets harpooned in the stomach by Ishmail. (Any answer involving the stomach)
In The Seven Deadly Sins, what is the punishment for the sin Sloth?
What is the other default skin in Minecraft called? (Besides Steve)
Who trains Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), and later betrays the Green Lantern Corps?
In Joker (2019), Why does Arthur (Joker) have a mental illiness?
His mom's boyfriend beat up Arthur so bad (in the head) which caused him to have the illiness
In Avatar, what are the names of the Moon and Ocean Spirits?
Tui and La
How many People downloaded Apex Legends after a week it came out?
A: 15 Million
B: 20 Million
C: 25 Million
D: 30 Million
C: 25 Million
Who Kills Iron Man's Parents?
The Winter Soldier (A.K.A Bucky Barnes)
In It, Where Does PennyWise Live in Dairy, Maine?
29 Neibolt Street (Abandoned House where PennyWise killed his victims from the beginning of time)
In Stranger Things Season 2, what is Dustin's mini demogorgon dog pet name?
The Furry-Gamer War
What Warzone perk allows you to have an extra piece of lethal equipment? (ex. grenade)
What is Captain America's Shield Made Out of and Black Panther's Suit?