What is Pure Checking NOW called and what are its (3) benefits IF these qualifications are met?
What is Prime Checking and (1) $15 ATM fee refunds, (2) 2.05% APY up to $30,000, and (3) 0.10% APY on balances over $30,000.
What is Pure Savings NOW called?
What is Prime Savings?
What is Non-Profit Checking NOW called?
What is Community Checking?
What is the NEW monthly fee for 730 days of inactivity on a FABT Jr. account?
What is $5.00 per month?
How much is an ATM Balance Inquiry for a non-FAB&T customer?
What is $2.00?
What are the 3 qualifications for Prime Checking?
What are (1) complete 12 debit card purchases that post AND clear, (2) have at least 1 direct deposit, ACH automatic payment, or online bill pay post AND clear, and (3) receive e-statements through FAB&T online banking.
When the (3) Prime Checking qualifications are met, what are the interest rates for the Prime Savings balances?
What is 0.50% APY for balances under $35,000 and what is 0.10% APY for balances over $35,000?
What are Proprietorship Pure Checking accounts NOW called and what are its (3) benefits?
What is Prime Business Checking and (1) $15 ATM fee refunds, (2) 2.05% APY up to $30,000, and (3) 0.10% APY on balances over $30,000.
How much is a Cashier's Check and a Money order for NON-CONSUMER customers?
What is $5.00 for a Cashier's Check and what is $3.00 for a Money Order?
What are the fees for garnishments, tax levies, and child support levies?
What is $100.00?
What is a Prestige Senior Free account NOW called AND what monthly service charge has been established?
What is Legacy Checking and a $5.00 monthly service charge if DAILY balance falls below $300.
What is Regular Savings NOW called?
What is Basic Savings?
What are the (3) qualifications to receive the prime interest rate for Prime Business Checking accounts?
What are (1) complete 12 debit card purchases that post AND clear, (2) have at least 1 direct deposit, ACH automatic payment, or online bill pay post AND clear, and (3) receive e-statements through FAB&T online banking.
How much is a returned item?
What is $32?
What are the (5) sizes of Safe Deposit Boxes and when is the annual rent debited?
What are (1) 3x5x21, (2) 5x5x21, (3) 3x10x21, (4) 5x10x21, and (5) 10x10x21 and annual rent is debited January 15th?
What is a First Free Checking account NOW called?
What is Basic Checking?
What is the QUARTERLY service charge fee for a Basic Savings account if the DAILY balance falls below $100?
What is $9.00?
What are Small Business Checking Accounts NOW called and what fee is charged for monthly mailed statements?
What is Entrepreneur Checking and a $3.00 monthly fee until business customer switches to e-statements through FAB&T online banking.
How much is a Stop Payment Fee?
What is $32?
What are the annual fees for the (5) sizes of Safe Deposit Boxes?
What are $25, $35, $40, $55, and $110 annually?
What is the penalty for receiving mailed statements for Basic Checking accounts and HOW can this penalty be eliminated?
What is a $3.00 monthly fee until the consumer signs up for e-statements through FAB&T online banking?
What is NOW the name for the Cash Club accounts?
What is FABT Jr.?
What is the commercial Regular Savings account NOW called and what is the NEW QUARTERLY service charge if DAILY balance falls below $100?
What is Commercial Basic Savings account and a $9.00 quarterly fee.
How much is a call-center assisted telephone transfer?
What is $2.00 per transfer?
What is the NEW Outgoing Domestic (Customers and Military) wire transfer fee?
What is $20?