Action/Thriller Movies
Disney Movies
Comedy Movies
Romance Movies

A group of superheroes is set to protect the Earth, with the only female protagonist dressed in a skin tight suit with her curves and cleavage on display.

What is The Avengers?


A young girl is taken hostage by an unknown beast, and ends up suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and falling in love with her capture.

What is Beauty and The Beast?


A group of bridesmaids go through a long night of trials after they ruin their friends wedding dress while body shaming her.

What is Bachelorette(2012)?


A middle age woman is forced to sell herself in order to obtain a car and make enough money to save her house.

What is No Hard Feelings?


A group of unlikely companions, a man, woman, and little boy, find themselves searching for treasure in a foreign country while the woman is seen as a damsel in distress with comedic relief.

What is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?


A young girl wishes to change her entire persona in order to feel good enough to go to a ball and try for a prince's attention.

What is Cinderella?


While a group of teens spends the Saturday in detention, the female lead is being harassed by the male lead while the rest stand by.

What is The Breakfast Club?


A middle aged prostitute is "rescued" by a wealthy businessman, but is continuously objectified by her physical appearance and sexual availability.

What is Pretty Woman?


A group of scientists and a pilot go into space in order to find a new inhabitable planet, while the only female on the expedition is questioned and second guessed in her knowledge and judgement.

What is Interstellar?


A young princess is targeted by her jealous step-mother, falls into a coma, and must be awoken by true loves kiss.

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


A male-dominated news team is met with a powerful female news anchor, so they either try to get with her or try to harass her into quitting.

What is Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy?


A man takes a woman hostage and tells her she must fall in love with him within 365 days, all while she's being bought and abused.

What is 365 Days?


A man is fresh out of prison and sent to Vietnam in order to clear his name. Here, he meets his damsel in distress love interest who ultimately meets a tragic end, which is used to spark the mans inner fight.

What is Rambo: First Blood Part II?


A 13-year-old girl trades her most precious gift for a chance to fall in love with a man she hadn't even properly met.

What is The Little Mermaid?


A group of teenage girls is purposely portrayed as the rich, dumb elite as they face first world high school problems.

What is Clueless?


A woman steps into a job for her sick roommate and ends up finding herself in a binding sexual agreement with her boss.

What is 50 Shades of Grey?


Set in 2084, a man has dreams of colonizing Mars, which in turn would make women a sexual object, often portrayed as manipulative and deceitful. 

What is Total Recall?


A young girl dresses up as a man in order to fit in and prove herself to be just as strong as they are.

What is Mulan?


A hot single and a newly divorced dad become uncommon friends, where they go out and flirt women into sleeping with them.

What is Crazy Stupid Love?


On a ship to a new planet where everyone hibernates on the journey, a man accidentally wakes up and ends up waking up a woman he finds attractive so he isn't lonely.

What is Passengers?