Schooling, Jobs, and Careers
Fabulous Photos
Irving Penn (presented by Robin) is most known for these two styles of photography. (HINT: It's 2 of the following: Still life, Portraiture, Documentary)
What are still life and portraiture?
Roy DeCarava (presented by Kyle) trained to be this before becoming a photographer.
What is a painter?
This photographer (presented by Keiosha) took the last professional photograph of John Lennon before he was murdered.
Who is Annie Leibovitz?
This is the phrase you say when you realize that it's Friday and you have to somehow find a way to get through the agony and injustice of two whole days away from your beloved Central Peel.
What is "OMIGOSH!" :-(
His real name was Usher Fellig, but he preferred this nickname. (Presented by Veronica, NOT Vanessa :-)
Who is Weegee?
Walter Iooss (presented by Brooks) is best known for this genre of photography.
What is Sports photography?
Irving Penn (presented by Robin) worked at this magazine for two summers while attending art school. HINT: It was a "bazaar" job!
What is Harper's Bazaar Magazine?
This photographer took fabulous photos for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue for 30 years. (Presented by Brooks)
Who is Walter Iooss?
This is the phrase that Alana would scream out if she won front row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.
What is "OMIGOSH!" :-)
This was the title of Annie Leibovitz's best-selling book of photographs (presented by Keiosha).
What is "A Photographer's Life"?
Elliot Erwitt (presented by Kishon) liked to take pictures of these two things.
What are children and dogs?
This photographer was an accomplished pianist. (Presented by Eric)
Who was Ansel Adams?
His photo of Winston Churchill made this photographer famous. (Presented by Gurdeep)
Who is Karsh?
This is the phrase that Andrew would scream out if he won front row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.
What is "OMIGOSH!" :-O
"Sweet Flypaper of Life" was a book by this photographer. (Presented by Kyle)
Who is Roy DeCarava?
Ansel Adams is known primarily for his photographs of this national park. (Presented by Eric)
What is Yosemite National Park.
This photographer (presented by Zack) was suspected of also working as a member of Stalin's secret police.
Who is Tina Modotti?
Weston's famous photo, "Excusado" means this in English. (Presented by Nabeel)
What is toilet?
This is the phrase that Kyle utters whenever he opens his fridge and realises that he's all out of apples.
What is "OMIGOSH!" :-O
This photographer's first camera was a Kodak Bulls Eye #2. (Presented by Nabeel)
Who is Edward Weston?
These are just three of the famous people Annie Leibovitz is famous for shooting portraits of. (Presented by Keiosha)
Who is John Lennon, Arnold Schwarzeneger, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, Whoopi Goldberg, Johnny Depp, Kate Moss, Michael Jordan and pretty much any one else who was famous in Hollywood between the 1990s and today.
This is what motivated Julia Margaret Cameron to become a photographer. (Presented by Alana and Crystal)
What is the gift of a camera from her daughter?
Dorthea Lange, who was well known for her shots of depression-era farmers, took a famous shot of an Irish child who later died from this. (Presented by Juneed)
What is a burst appendix?
This is the phrase that Brooks utters every year when the Toronto Maple Leafs inevitably don't make the playoffs.
What is "my mama told me there'd be days like this..." :'-(
Julia Margaret Cameron had a short career of only this many years. (Presented by Alana and Crystal)
What is 11?