ABA Terms
Center Updates
Treatment Integrity

Functions of behavior

What is escape, tangibles, attention, sensory


These are the days we do not have to take out the trash

What is....Tuesday and Friday


What do you do when there's no instructional note for a client program?


What is...teams BCBA


The day that we should have FAC orders in to Jbear by if we want to order food with dojo points.

What is....the Thursday before payday. 


The ideal number of trials to run per program

What is 3-5 trials (but more is great too!)


This is used to prevent a behavior from happening before it happens

What is antecedent interventions/manipulations


This should be done after completing and submitting an incident report.

What is.... send a teams to update the Ocala Team chat regarding the RI that was submitted and who it was for.


If a client engages in a new behavior, what should you do?  

what is...teams/email BCBA to begin collecting ABC data. As well teams group chat if it's a common occurrence to others. 


The day Bliss sends out the weekly center updates email



Questions asked to caregivers at drop-off in lobby at beginning of session

Did the client sleep well? Did client eat this morning? (*bonus* questions regarding bathroom eliminations)


When the client repeats what we say to them in response to us

What is echolalia 


What needs to be done every Monday?

Maintenance monday sessions!


The following information can be found where? Target behavior definitions, hypothesized functions of behavior, client goals, caregiver goals, consequence strategies, prevention strategies

What is the BIP (behavior intervention plan)


This is where we should not stack the chairs in the cafeteria.....

What is the wall. Please stack chairs onto the lagoon cabinet to keep the paint on the wall intact.

A consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again by adding a stimulus

Positive reinforcement


What are the different types of continuous and discontinuous measurements?

What is... (Continous measurements) Rate/Frequency, Duration, Latency, and interresponse time. (Discontinuous measurements) Momentary time sampling and partial and whole-interval recording. 

The person you can go to for questions regarding a client if the BCBA is unavailble

The primary 


How often should you repeat each step for the different levels of prompting?

what is...only once and move on to the next step.


The number of minutes we get prior to first session of the day to put in minute tracker. 

What is.....5 minutes. The company pays for RBTs to arrive 5 minutes prior to their first session and last session for session note. 5 minutes only.


Melanie takes away Elizabeth's body sock and Elizabeth starts crying and goes under the table in the corner.

What is the function of this behavior?

Access to tangible and sensory


This is the definition of stereotypy (also know as STIMMING)

*bonus* what are some examples of stimming

What is frequent repetition of the same, typically purposeless movement, gesture, posture, or vocal sounds or utterances

*visual stereotypy, vocal stereotypy, hand flapping, toe walking


This is the time each day where client swaps/shift drops have to be in by, to be approved by leadership

12 o'clock everyday

OH NO, you forgot to submit Audrey's rate of PD and you already graphed the session! How will you submit this data?

what is... send email to client BCBA 

BONUS: a measure of how often a behavior occurs over an amount of time and submitting anything after once the session is graphed will skew the data points.


These are the two key phrases heard during a lockdown.

Banana split (when the lockdown first occurs) & the ice cream has melted (when the coast is clear)


Every time Erick's mom starts to cook dinner and tells Erick to play with his camera, Erick starts climbing furniture, head banging, and spitting. 

This is the function of his behavior....

What is.... attention