What does FACE stand for?
Family and Community Engagement
What is one cultural celebration hosted by FACE?
Black History Month Celebration, Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration.
What does RISE stand for?
Radically Investing Scholars Excellence
What event is considered a Family Fun Day?
Snow Tubbing, Bowling, Movie Nights, etc.
What are 2 events that FACE holds annually?
Any of the following: Hispanic Heritage, Black History, Family Fun Days _ Snow Tubing, Bowling, Kick-off, Celebration, RISE Committee Meetings
What was FACE’s first cultural celebration hosted?
Día de los Muertos
Why was the RISE Committee formed?
The RISE Committee was formed as a direct result of the George Floyd Resolution, with the goal of centering and uplifting our BIPOC families' voices. The committee also has the power to address structural and racial inequities within our district.
What was the FACE Team's first Family Fun Day?
Renting out three theaters at Champlin Mann Theaters for families to view Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Where can you find the FACE team online?
FACE website - district website (soon to have a new webpage), and Instagram! Follow us!
What is the FACE Team’s largest cultural celebration to date?
First Black History Month Celebration
What projects have been included in the partnership with the RISE Committee?
Redesigning the district Family Stakeholder survey and creating identity-based harm reporting options for the StopIt App.
What four-legged animal joined the FACE team at snow tubing in 2023?
An iguana! Three Rivers Park District joined as a community partner and brought an iguana for scholars and families to meet!
What is one FACE system-level goal?
Any of the following:
1. Identify Strategic Community Partnerships
2. Introduce and Apply the Family Engagement Rubric with departments and school sites
3. Increase RISE Committee awareness and participation across the system
Name a cultural celebration the FACE Team has hosted in the past year that hasn’t been mentioned yet.
Día de los Muertos, Las Posadas
What projects have been part of the partnership with the RISE Committee?
Redesigning the district Family Stakeholder survey and creating identity-based harm reporting options for the StopIt App.
How many people attended the first Family Fun Day?
When was the FACE team formed? (double points if you can name the month and year!)
November 2020
What are the years we held our first district-wide Black History Month Celebration and Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration?
BHM - 2024
HHM - 2023
When working on a project, which district-level department did the RISE Committee collaborate with?
Data & Assessment
How many total people attended Family Fun Days in the 2023-2024 school year?