These products do not require Referrals to see Specialists.
PPO, Local Plus, OAP
What service the customer is receiving
Why the customer is receiving the service
where is the service being performed
Using our systems show was where to find the customers Effective and term dates.
True/False: When a caller sends correspondence to Cigna Via mail or fax for a facets customer, these documents are loaded into a system called iView.
They are loaded into FileNet
Cigna Address information
Participating Status of a provider
Drug Lists.
What type of product Includes a reimbursement account for that the customer can use to pay for eligible healthcare expenses?
Consumer Driven
If you wanted to view a customers Accumulation such as skilled Nursing Facilities or Therapies where will you go to view these.
in Facets Limits Tab
What system do we use to see updates and information Eligibility specifically the COBRA end and start dates.
One View
Under HIPPA tab
This or these products do not require a PCP or primary are selection.
Local Plus
This type of deductible is one where the individual can meet their deductible and then be in co Insurance or the family can meet the family ded and the entire family be in Co-Insurance?
Birth or adoption baby
change in marital status (married or divorced)
Death of Policy Holder
Aged out of plan (26 or 30)
As an Alorica GSP agent do you have the ability to Fax?
If not what is the process you take to get a fax to a provider
No, we would collect the information to send the fax and send that with the info attached that needs to be sent either Co facilitator and they will fax them to the provider on our behalf
Which Caller Type are we able to disclose the customers Date of birth to? There may be more than one answer.
The customer on the account
Health Care provider
Custodial parent of Minor child
None of the Above
This type of deductible states there is not cap on the amount and individual can meet on a plan, but the entire family deductible must be met before the Entire family is then in Coinsurance. The Individual deductible does not matter here.