What Does Urgent mean?
Something that needs to happen NOW
What do you say when you have one card left
What are the rules for having a knife in your hand?
Keep fingertips curled under the hand that is holding the food
What is the first step in hero's jorueny
the call
Which technique do you use to understand a complex problem or statement?
Feynman Technique
What Does Important mean?
Something that matters to YOU
How many cards do you give out if 4 people are playing?
7 cards per person
What do you if there is a fire in the pot?
Put a pan over it
what is the last step in the hero's jorney
the win
Which describes ways to ensure you are using your time effectively?
Priority Management Grid
What is a Time Waster?
Something or Someone that is wasting time
What do you do if you have a wild card?
Change the color of the deck
How many seconds do you wash your hands?
What is the second laerning style
The refusal of the call
Which describes ways to engage your brain in learning?
Multiple Learning Styles
What Category Would emergencies fall into
What does a skip card do?
Skip to the next player
How should you hold a knife or sharp tool
By the handle, blade down
what is the 6th learning style
The approach to the inmost cave
Which is a process you go through when you try new things?
Hero's Journey
What is the definition of priority management?
The process of deciding which tasks and projects to prioritize most and which tasks and projects can wait
What does the uno reverse card do
reverse to the next player
What direction should pot and pan handles point
To the middle or back of stove
what is Multiple Learning Styles
someone who goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge
Which technique do you use to improve your results when you get stuck?