Learning Styles
Why we made cupcakes
Kitchen Safety

The stitching used to sew the snark.

What is blanket stitching?


This is the learning style used when you go outside to learn or study.

What is the nature learning style?


The reason we had a strict schedule during the baking process.

What is to help us stay on track and focused?

When in the kitchen we always carry a knife facing this direction.

What is facing downward?


The terms we use to be nice to each other and not use put-downs.

What is positive language?


The way you weigh the snark down and make it stand up.

What is putting beads or pinto beans into the bottom?


One of the most important subjects in real life.

What is the logical learning style?


The reason we all had different jobs.

What is to learn teamwork?


When using the oven, we always use this item to put trays in the oven and take them out.

What is an oven mit?

The term that is used for when we stay calm in class and don't have outbursts or talk in the middle of class.
What is impulse control?

The amount of eyes you can use on a snark.

What is one or two?


This is used when you're talking or hanging out with people while learning.

What is the verbal learning style?


The reason we had to use positive language during this project.

What is to make sure there was no fighting and wasting time?


When we're in the kitchen, we always wash our hands for this amount of time.

What is twenty seconds?


The term used for thinking about how we think.

What is meta-cognition?

When making the snark, the snark should be ____ than the drawing you make. 

What is smaller?


This is used when kids need to see things to be able to learn.

What is the visual learning style?


The reason we did little steps each day to prepare for one day of making cupcakes.

What is to make sure we had enough time and knowledge for the cupcake making day?


When baking cupcakes, cakes, muffins, etc you always poke them with this to see if they're done.

What is a toothpick?


The term used to describe the different ways of learning.

What is the learning styles?


The way you make your snark stand up.

What is making a round bottom?


This is when a teacher talks to you or communicates with you about what you're learning.

What is the auditory learning style?


The reason Mr. Brandt kept telling us how much time we had until the next step.

What is to make sure we were on track and doing what needed to be done?


When there is a grease fire in the kitchen you should do this instead of spraying water on it. 

What is placing a metal lid or bowl on the top of it?


The term used for steps in which we simplify a complicated word or phrase so that a third grader can understand it.

What is the Feynman technique?