Camping Foods
Things you Bring
Camping Activities
FACT Questions

You can roast me over the campfire and I'm the heart of a S'more.

What is Marshmallow

This helps item helps you find your way in the dark
What is a flashlight or lantern

This what you do when you want to explore the area or a nature trail

What is a hike or walk


I am a small animal and have a cute fluffy tail. I like to find and eat acorns and climb tree trunks 

What is a Squirrel


Who was the FACT instructor this year for camping class?

Who is Ms. Sameerah 

I am made from Potato's and am crunchy. You can eat me with dip or plain and I come in many flavours.
What is Potato Chips
You use this item as a place to rest your head
What is a Pillow

When you see and watch the things that fly from tree to tree, it's fun to try and find their identity. What is this activity called 

What is birdwatching


Most people are afraid of me and I have no legs. I like to slither around and some of my species are poisonous or have rattles for tails. 

What is a Snake


This camping trip, May 4-5, 2024, is what annual camping trip for FACT?

what is the 4th annual 


Mix noodles and cheese and place me under some hot coals. Once cooked, I'm a creamy cheesy side. What am I? 

What is Mac-N-Cheese

You use these items to eat your food with
What is Spoons, forks, knives and plates

At night time you make one of these for light, to keep warm and to keep the bugs away

What is build a campfire

This animal is black and white and likes to get in to your garbage. They also have a stinky smell
What is a Skunk

What does the acronym FACT stand for?

What is Families of Autism Coming Together?


You can cook me over the campfire or on the grill. I'm long and taste delicious with a bun and some ketchup.

What is Hot Dog

At night when it's time for bed you climb in this item, zip it up, lay your head down and fall right to sleep
What is a sleeping bag

This is something you do when you lay on the ground and look at the night sky.

What is stargaze


This animal comes out at night, is small and can fly. they spend most their time upside-down 

What is a Bat


How many volunteers participated in FACT programming in the year 2023?

What is 136? (those 136 individuals registered for programs a total of 283 times!


I am delicious breakfast food and often go well with cream cheese or butter. I come in many flavors

What are Bagels 

This item you need to put together before you can use it. This item is also used to sleep in.
What is a Tent

This activity involves flashlights and your hands. Shine the light on your hands and you can make one of these. 

What are shadow puppets 


This animal is quite large, may come to your campsite looking for food, eats mostly leaves, grass, and berries.

What is a deer


How many people with Autism participated in FACT programming in the year 2023?

what is 372? (those 372 individuals registered for programs a total of 1,123 times!)