C. Montgomery Burns, of Simpsons fame, is estimated to be worth $1.5B USD?
FACT, he is the 10th wealthiest fiction character.
The Pacific Ocean is the smallest ocean on Earth?
FICTION. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth.
The Great Wall of China is over 13,000 miles long?
FACT. The Great Wall of China is approximately 13,170 miles long.
The largest lake by volume is the Caspian Sea?
FACT. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake by volume, containing about 78,200 cubic kilometers of water.
In, the Lord of the Rings, The One Ring can control all other rings of power?
FACT. In J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, the One Ring has the power to control all other rings of power.
Monty Burns is worth MORE than Christian Grey, of 50 Shades fame?
FICTION, Grey is worth $2.2B USD
The Great Hall at Hogwarts can seat over 1,000 students?
FACT. In the Harry Potter series, the Great Hall is large enough to accommodate all the students and staff of Hogwarts, which is over 1,000 people.
The Shire (in the Hobbit) has enough farmland to feed all of Middle-earth?
FICTION. The Shire has ample farmland for its inhabitants, but it is not large enough to feed all of Middle-earth.
King Kong's body has a volume greater than that of a blue whale?
FICTION. While King Kong is enormous, a blue whale has a larger volume due to its massive size.
The largest waterfall by magnitude of water is Victoria Falls?
FICTION. The largest waterfall by volume of water is the Inga Falls on the Congo River.
Bruce Wayne (Batman) is worth more than Christian Grey?
FACT, The Bat is worth nearly $10B USD
The ostrich lays the largest eggs of any living land animal?
FACT. The ostrich lays the largest eggs, which can weigh up to 3 pounds.
The Amazon River is the longest river in the world?
FICTION. The Nile River is generally considered the longest river in the world.
The Sahara Desert is larger than the United States?
FICTION. The Sahara Desert is about 3.6 million square miles, while the United States is about 3.8 million square miles.
In, Game of Thrones, The Iron Throne is the most powerful seat in Westeros?
FACT. In George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, the Iron Throne is the symbol of ultimate power in Westeros.
Smaug the Dragon is worth more than Batman?
FACT, Smaug is estimated to have over $50B USD of gold in his mountain.
Godzilla is taller than the Empire State Building.
FICTION. While Godzilla is generally around 300 feet, the Empire State Building is 1,454 feet tall.
The spaceship Discovery One in "2001: A Space Odyssey" can travel to Jupiter?
FACT. In "2001: A Space Odyssey," the spaceship Discovery One is on a mission to travel to Jupiter.
The TARDIS (in Doctor Who) has an infinite amount of space inside?
FICTION. While the TARDIS is much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside, it does not have infinite space.
The largest man-made structure by volume is the Great Wall of China?
FICTION. The largest man-made structure by volume is the Three Gorges Dam in China.
The wealthiest fiction character, Scrooge McDuck, is estimated to be worth how much?
$65.4B USD, according to Forbs
What is the diameter of the Death Star?
160km or 100 miles
How tall is Mount Everest?
8.8k meters or 29k feet
How much cargo can the Millennium Falcon hold?
About 835k bananas
How long is the Elder Wand in Harry Potter?
15 inches or 40 centimeters