The result of factoring: 2x2 + 14
What is 2(x2 + 7)?
To factor the trinomial x2+8x+16 you find two numbers that add to 8 but multiply to this...
What is 16?
The result of factoring:
3x2 + 20x + 12
What is
The solutions of factoring:
What is
x= -7, -1?
The result of solving for x:
What is
The result of factoring:
8a3 - 16a2
What is
8a2(a - 2)?
The result of factoring:
x2 + 8x + 12
What is
(x + 2)(x + 6)?
The result of factoring:
3x2 - 19x - 14
What is
(3x + 2)(x - 7)?
The result of factoring:
x2 - 25
What is
(x - 5)(x + 5)?
The solutions of factoring:
What is
x= 3/5, 3?
The number that represents the slope:
What is
The GCF of:
25z2 - 125xz
What is 25z?
The result of factoring:
x2 - 6x + 8
What is
(x - 4)(x - 2)?
The result of factoring:
4x2 + 24x + 32
What is
4(x + 2)(x + 4)?
The result of factoring:
64x2 - 36
What is
4(4x + 3)(4x - 3)?
The solutions of factoring:
What is
x= -7, -1/3 ?
The result of multiplying:
What is
The result of factoring:
5x2 - 30x +45
What is
The result of factoring:
x2 - 10x - 24
What is
(x - 12)(x + 2)?
The results of factoring:
8x2 + 18x + 9
What is
(4x + 3)(2x + 3)?
The result of factoring:
81x2 - 49
What is
(9x - 7)(9x + 7)?
The solutions of factoring:
What is
x= -3, 3/2?
The fifth planet from the sun:
What is
The result of factoring:
What is
-3x(x + 1)(x + 2)?
The result of factoring:
2x2 + 8x + 8
What is
2(x + 2)2?
The result of factoring:
16x2 - 8x + 1
What is
(4x - 1)2?
The result of factoring:
2x2 - 200
What is
2(x - 10)(x + 10)?
The solutions of factoring:
What is
X=-5/3, -5/2?
The greatest football team in the NFL
What is
New York Giants