How does training affect performance?
How can psychology affect performance?
How can nutrition and recovery strategies affect performance?
How does the acquisition of skill affect performance?
This energy system uses Creatine Phosphate as a source of fuel
What is Alactacid system (ATP/PC)
An internal state that activates, directs and sutains behaviour towards achieving a particular goal
What is motivation
The three stages of nutritional considerations
What is Pre performance, During performance, Post performance
The stage of skill acquisition where athletes are in full control of their actions so they become automatic
What is autonomous
The four types of aerobic training
What is continuous, fartlek, aerobic interval, circuit training
Predominantly a psychological process characterised by fear or apprehension in anticipation of confronting a situation perceived to be potentially threatening
What is anxiety
Three examples of supplementation
What is Vitamins, Minerals, Protein, Creatine, Caffeine
Characteristics of the learner that influence skill development
What is personality, heredity, confidence, prior experience, ability
The four common types of stretching methods used in flexibility training
What is static, dynamic, PNF and ballistic stretching
What type of motivation is it when a coach threatens to drop you from the team next week if you don't perform at training?
What is Extrinsic, Negative
What is carbohydrate loading
The technique of loading the muscles with glycogen in preparation for a high intensity endurance activity of more than 90 minutes
Classify the skill of a batter hitting a pitched ball in a game of softball
What is open, gross, discrete and externally paced
The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle of the heart during a contraction.
What is stroke volume
Psychological strategies to enhance motivation and manage anxiety (4)
What is Concentration/attention skills, Mental rehearsal/visualisation/imagery, relaxation techniques, goal setting
Immediately after exercise an athlete should consume 1l for every lost
1 litre
List 3 ways observations can be made more objective
What is checklists, measurement systems, established criteria and rating scales
The physiological adaptations in response to training (there are 8 of them)
What is Resting heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, oxygen uptake, lung capacity, haemoglobin level, muscle hypertrophy, effect of fast and slow twitch muscle fibres
Five examples of relaxation techniques
What is progressive muscular relaxation, mental relaxation, self hypnosis, mental rehearsal, meditation, centred breathing
List the four categories of recovery strategies and provide an example of each
What is physiological strategies, neural strategies, tissue damage strategies, psychological strategies
Identify the 4 observable qualities of a skilled performer and provide an explanation for each
What is kinaesthetic sense, anticipation, consistency, technique